Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij?

1 / 46
Slide 1: Diapositive
NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1-6

Cette leçon contient 46 diapositives, avec quiz interactif et diapositives de texte.

Éléments de cette leçon

Slide 1 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 20 september
1. Introduction of Unit 1

2. Exercises on the alfabet, vowels and consonants in Dutch

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 2 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: voorstellen
Hoe heet je?                                                            Dit is...
Waar kom je vandaan?                                       Hij/zij komt uit...
Hoe oud ben je?                                                    Hij/zij is ... jaar
Waar woon je?                                                        Hij/zij woont in ...
Heb je een broer of zus?                                   Hij/zij heeft ...
Wat zijn je hobby's?                                            Zijn/haar hobby's zijn...

Slide 3 - Diapositive

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij?
  • Unit about introducing yourself and others
- How do you introduce yourself?
- Why is word choice important?
- What is the right way to send a message? 

  • 2 summatives
- Vocabulary test
- Unit test

Slide 4 - Diapositive

Before we start with the unit...
  • Make a new folder in your Google Drive with the name 'Your name - Dutch B - MYP1'
  • Share this folder with me (sjansen@isbreda.com)
  • Make a new folder in your Dutch B folder with the name 'Unit 1 - Hallo, wie ben jij?
  • You don't need to share this folder again! 
  • Make sure there is already 1 Google Documents in the folder: 
'Classwork' --> Document for little tasks we do in the lesson 
  • Join the Quizlet classgroup --> Link will be on the screen 

Slide 5 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 21 september
1.  Wie ben jij? Vocabulary
--> Exercise 1 - 2 

2. Grammar: The Dutch sentence
--> Exercise 4 - 5

Done? Vocabulary booklet 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 6 - Diapositive

The Dutch sentence
Het meisje heeft een appel. De appel zit in de tas. 
--> Every sentence has a subject and a verb. 
Subject and verb are best friends! 

Het + De = The            Het meisje / De appel = The girl / The apple
Een = one / a(n)          Een meisje / Een meisje = One girl / a girl

Slide 7 - Diapositive

The Dutch sentence
2 types of sentences:
- Sentences with information:
Thomas spreekt Nederlands.

- Questions:
Spreekt Thomas Nederlands?

Slide 8 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 21 september
1.  Wie ben jij? Vocabulary
--> Exercise 1 - 2 

2. Grammar: The Dutch sentence
--> Exercise 4 - 5

Done? Vocabulary booklet 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 9 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 28 september
1.  Dutch sentences: Hallo, hoe gaat het? 
- Speaking exercise: exercise 6 
- Personal pronoun: exercise 7 
- Verbs: Exercise 8 + 9 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 10 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 29 september
1.  Personal pronouns: Exercise 7

2. Verbs: Hebben + Zijn: Exercise 8 + 9 + 10 + 11

Done? Practise homework 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 11 - Diapositive

Personal pronouns: People
I            -->        Ik                                                    Ik ben mevrouw Jansen
You     -->        Jij/Je  + u                                    Jij bent / u bent lief
He       -->        Hij                                                  Hij is een jongen
She     -->        Zij/Ze                                           Zij is een meisje
We       -->       Wij/We                                         Wij zijn MYP1
You      -->       Jullie                                            Jullie zijn leerlingen
They    -->       Zij/Ze                                           Zij zijn meisjes

Slide 12 - Diapositive

Personal pronouns: things and animals
If we know the gender: Hij / Ze
De leeuw is mooi. Hij is mooi.
De leeuwin is mooi. Zij is mooi.

If we don't know the gender --> Look at the article (De/Het)
De fiets is mooi. Hij is mooi.                      De --> Hij
Het huis is mooi. Het is mooi.                   Het --> Het

Pay attention: Plural --> Ze
De fietsen zijn mooi. Ze zijn mooi. / De huizen zijn mooi. Ze zijn mooi

Slide 13 - Diapositive

Zijn (to be)
Ik ben
Jij bent / U bent
Hij is / Zij is / Het is
Wij zijn
Jullie zijn
Zij zijn

Numbers: 1-20 
Hebben (to have)
Ik heb
Jij hebt / u hebt + u heeft 
Hij heeft / Zij heeft / Het heeft
Wij hebben
Jullie hebben
Zij hebben

Slide 14 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 4 October
1.  Verbs: Hebben + Zijn: Exercise 8 + 9 + 10 + 11

2. Vocabulary booklet: Day 2

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 15 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 5 October
1.  Verbs: the Present tense
- Exercise 12 + 13 + 14 

2. Speaking exercise: Questions and answers

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 16 - Diapositive

Verbs: The present tense

Slide 17 - Diapositive

Verbs: The present tense
Pay attention: Exception on the rule!

Jij komt --> Kom jij?
Jij spreekt --> Spreek jij?
Je woont --> Woon je? 

Zij komt --> Komt zij?
Hij spreekt --> Spreekt zij?
Ik woon --> Woon ik?

Slide 18 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 6 October
1.  Speaking exercise: Questions and answers
- Exercise 15 + 16 

2. Vocabulary booklet day 2 + day 3
--> Day 2 is homework!

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 19 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 11 October
1.  Homework check: Vocabulary booklet day 2

2. Vocabulary exercises: 
- Exercise 17: Woordslangen
- Exercise 18: Werkwoorden

Done? Exercises TOF

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 20 - Diapositive

Letter to Ms Jansen (Formative)
Start with: Beste mevrouw Jansen, 
- Name 
- Age
- Place where you live
- Place where you were born
- Languages you speak
- How long you are in The Netherlands / Belgium 
- Hobbies
Optional: Siblings, pets,... 

End with: Groetjes, 'your name'

Slide 21 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 18 October
1.  Speaking exercise: TOF

2. Vocabulary booklet day 4 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 22 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 18 October
1.  Speaking exercise: TOF

2. Vocabulary booklet day 4 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 23 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 2 November
1.  Feedback summative

2. Practise vocabulary 
- Label the words you know
- Wheel decide 

Unit 1: Hallo, wie ben jij? 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 24 - Diapositive

Task: present your favourite hobby
1. Make a little presentation (use Word/Powerpoint) about your favourite hobby. You can choose which one! (Small presentation: 1-2 slides!)
2. Beginners: The presentation can be in English but you have to use 5 - 10 new Dutch words in your presentation.
3. Add the new words to the vocabulary list. 
4. You may try to make your presentation completely or partly in Dutch.
5. Next week you will present your favourite hobby to your classmates in small groups. You will not get a grade, it's only an exercise. 

Slide 25 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 10 September

1. Task: Present your favourite hobby

Done? Vocabulary exercises on Quizlet

HW: Finish the presentation 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 26 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 14 September
1. Presentations: hobby's 
- Present your hobby in a small group
- Write the new Dutch vocabulary in your vocabulary list 

2. New vocabulary: personal pronouns and verbs + numbers

3. Practise verbs: Whack-a-mole
--> Links are on Managebac 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 27 - Diapositive

Welke hobby's ken je?

Slide 28 - Carte mentale

Lesson plan - 16 September
1. Vocabulary: Body parts and clothes

2. Done? Practise verbs: Whack-a-mole
--> Links are on Managebac 
Practise vocabulary: Quizlet 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 29 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 17 September
1. Grammar: 2 groups 
- Group 1: Blauw boek
Les 2: De persoon
Les 3: Zinnen maken

- Group 2: Rood boek 
Les 2: zinnen
Les 3: Persoonlijke voornaamwoorden 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 30 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 21 September
1. Reading exercises 
- Exercise 1: Together
- Exercise 2: On your own 
(you may use a translation website) 

2. Listening exercise: Het jeugdjournaal 
(Link  = on Managebac --> HW for Wednesday )

3. Done? Quizlet

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 31 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 23 September
1. Quiz: Het jeugdjournaal

2. Correction reading exercises 
- Exercise 2

3. Vocabulary: Body parts and clothes

HW: Practise vocabulary on Quizlet

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 32 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 24 September
1. Correction reading exercise 
- Exercise 4

2. Writing exercise: Beschrijven van een klasgenoot

HW: Practise vocabulary on Quizlet

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 33 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: beschrijven
  • Draw and describe the person next to you. 
  • Make a drawing about the classmate next to you and use Dutch words to describe him/her. Use words for the body  parts and the clothes. 
  • Write a short description about your classmate. 
- Zijn/haar naam is ...     
- Hij/zij woont in.... 
- Zijn/haar hobby's zijn...
- Hij/zij heeft twee armen en twee benen 
- Hij/zij draagt een blauwe broek

Slide 34 - Diapositive

Slide 35 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 28 September
1. Speaking exercise: Beschrijven van een klasgenoot

2. Listening exercise: What is the right way to introduce yourself?

3. Done? Quizlet

HW: Watch 'Het jeugdjournaal' (link is on Managebac) 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 36 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 30 september
1. How to give a presentation? 
--> Let's discuss your answers

 2. Vocabulary: 
Finish the vocabulary booklets! 

3. Gimkit: Vocabulary game

Tomorrow: News kahoot! 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 37 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 5 October
1. Speaking exercise: Present a classmate (=Formal formative) 

Next lesson: Listening formative
--> How to prepare yourself?
- Study the vocabulary on Quizlet
- Study the document 'How to give a good presentation' (Google Drive) 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 38 - Diapositive

Speaking exercise: Present a classmate
How to prepare your presentation:
1. Read the task sheet (Google Drive) 
2. Get the information you need from the classmate you're going to present about.
3. Make the Google Slides for your presentation.
4. Write down in Dutch what you want to say .
5. Practise with another student.
--> You will get one more lesson to prepare the presentation
--> Monday 12 October: Presentation 

Slide 39 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 12 October
1. Feedback listening formative

2. Listening exercise: Super Mario 

Thursday: Listening summative
--> How to prepare yourself?
- Study the vocabulary on Quizlet
- Study the document 'How to give a good presentation' (Google Drive) 

Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 40 - Diapositive

Listening exercise: Super Mario (Nieuwsbegrip)
We will watch the first 4 minutes of the video. Answer the questions in the 'Classwork' document (in English or in Dutch).
1. How old did Super Mario become? 
2. Describe the clothes of Super Mario in Dutch
3. Where does Super Mario live? 
4. With who is Super Mario in love?
5. How many games are made with Super Mario in it? 
6. Name 3 sports that Super Mario has done in the games
7. Where can you drive in the newest Super Mario game? 

Slide 41 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 26 October
1. Preparation speaking summative: present a celebrity

Next Monday: Presentations 
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 42 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 18 september
1. Reading exercise: leestrainer
--> Go to the shared documents folder
--> Choose your phase
--> Choose the reading folder
--> Click on the leestrainer document and make the exercises

2. Done? You can work on your presentation! 
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 43 - Diapositive

Lesson plan - 2 October
1. Speaking exercise: Describe a celebrity 
---> You will work in pairs of 2 and we will play 2 rounds. 
  • Round 1: Describe one of the pictures to another student. Help eachother by making simple Dutch sentences.
  • Round 2: You will get a picture of a celebrity and your classmate will answer questions about the picture. You can only answer with 'ja' or 'nee'. Your classmate has to guess the person. 
2. Done? Continue to work on your presentation or watch the journal. 
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Slide 44 - Diapositive

Picture 1
Picture 2

Slide 45 - Diapositive

Wie is het? Questions to ask
Is het een man/ een vrouw?
Heeft hij/zij blond/bruin/zwart haar?
Is hij/zij jong/oud?
Is hij/zij bekend van televisie/muziek?
Is hij/zij iemand die bekend is van de politiek?
Is hij/zij aardig/gemeen? 
Is hij/zij knap? 
Is hij/zij vaak in het nieuws? 

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