V4B 21-1-2025 90 min Introduction Poetry reader


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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 29 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min

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Learning Goals
At the end of today's lesson, you will....

  • Know what to expect in period 3
  • Have practised writing
  • Have made a start on the poetry project

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Today's Lesson
  1. What to expect in period 3    (5 mins)
  2. Writing assignment    (20 mins)
  3. Introduction to the poetry project    (20 mins)
  4. Getting to know the glossary    (20 mins)
  5. Last assignment    (10 mins)

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What to expect in period 3:
Poetry, creative writing, speaking

- 3 March: creative writing test (3x)
- During this period: writing assignment in class (mandatory)
- Week 13 (testweek): group conversation (15-20 mins, 3x)
- End of period: hand in (completed) poetry reader (mandatory)

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Poetry Project
Learning goals:
Learn about literature: language functioning in war rhetoric, study poemsstudy literary terms, create your own poems and discuss them in groups. 

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What do you need to do?
  • Go through the reader and do the tasks (I will tell you  what to do and when). You need to hand everything in.
  • Read the poems and analyse them using the glossary
  • Decide which poem is your favourite and why
  • Take the writing test
  • Write a poem using your new acquired knowledge
  • Oral exam in groups of 3/4 about all of the above

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                                                      KEEP CALM AND USE
                                                      YOUR OWN BRAIN

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Don't use this in class! It will just get you in trouble later

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Step 1: 1 min in silence
- Think of a happy memory of the past year
- Write down a few keywords
- Then use the 5 senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste, to elaborate

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Step 2: 2-3 mins together
- Use your notes to tell your neighbour about your memory
- Try to use the 5 senses in your story: sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste
- Help each other to elaborate & make things clear


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Step 3: 7 mins in silence
- Use the sheet of paper to write a short letter to a family member or friend (as if it just happened)
- .... about your happy memory
- About half a page will do
- I will ask a few people to read their letter to the class
- If you finish quickly, check your work! And add a drawing :)


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Step 4: 3 mins together
- Exchange letters with your neighbour
- Check each other's work
- Underneath, write 2 tops and 2 tips: be specific!
- Is it clear? Vivid description?
- Grammar / vocabulary / punctuation

I will pick up your letters at the end of the lesson.


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What is Poetry?
Go to page 3-4 of the poetry reader
Read through the text and underline characteristics of poetry

(The next question will be: what could you do to turn your letter into poetry?)

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What could you do to turn your letter into poetry?

Slide 16 - Woordweb

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Aspects of poetry

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Getting to know the glossary
In order to complete certain tasks you need to know literary terms and their functions

On pages 24-29 in the reader you will find a detailed glossary
Time to get to know this glossary a bit better

When you see the term, look it up in the glossary, then find an example online and submit it in the slide

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Find an example of an hyperbole

Slide 19 - Open vraag

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Find an example of an oxymoron

Slide 20 - Open vraag

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Find an example of alliteration

Slide 21 - Open vraag

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Find an example of a cliché

Slide 22 - Open vraag

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Find an example of personification

Slide 23 - Open vraag

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Assignment page 13
Match each term with its definition

Slide 24 - Open vraag

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An old silent pond
A frog jumps into the pond
Splash! Silence again.

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A haiku (translated) by Matsuo Basho, famous 17th century Japanese poet.
In the pale moonlight
the wisteria's sweet scent 
comes from far away.

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A haiku (translated) by Matsuo Basho, famous 17th century Japanese poet.
1   2   3   4   5
1   2   3   4   5   6   7
1   2   3   4   5

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A haiku (translated) by Matsuo Basho, famous 17th century Japanese poet.
Write a haiku about your memory
1   2   3   4   5
1   2   3   4   5   6   7
1   2   3   4   5
Is there one sensation that stands out to you?
Choose some words / phrases from your letter
Write underneath your letter (or on the back)

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A haiku (translated) by Matsuo Basho, famous 17th century Japanese poet.
Well done! You...
Know what to expect in period 3
Have practised writing
Have made a start on the poetry project


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