To communicate what someone else said:
- Verb moves back one tense (direct verb that agrees with subject = Persoonsvorm)
- Often a pronoun change (Mary: "I don't want this." -> Mary said (that) she didn't want that.)
- This-> that / These -> those
- Present Simple -> Past Simple ("She smokes a lot." -> He said that she smoked a lot.)
- Past Simple -> Past Perfect ("She wasn't at this cool party."-> He said that she had not been at that cool party.)
- Present Perfect -> Past Perfect ("Have you ever been there?" -> She asked if he had ever been there)
Past Perfect (eerder in het verleden) ------> Past Simple (in het verleden/afgerond/niet meer aan de gang) -----> Present
------> Present Perfect -----> Present
(in het verleden begonnen & nog aan de gang OF
in het verleden, tijd NIET belangrijk, Resultaat belangrijk OF
ervaring tot nu toe OF heel recent gedaan/gebeurd etc.)