The following levels of response should be used to award marks:
Level 5 (20–24 marks) Very good response
Clear, well supported reasoning about the issue. Different arguments and perspectives are clearly considered.
The response contains a wide range of clearly reasoned points and/or evidence to support the views expressed, with four (or more) developed points, and some undeveloped points.
The response is very well-structured and a clear judgement is reached.
Level 4 (15–19 marks) Good response
Clear, supported reasoning about the issue. Different arguments and perspectives are considered.
The response contains a range of reasoned points and/or evidence to support the views expressed, with three (or more) developed points, and some undeveloped points.
The response is generally well-structured and a judgement is reached.
Level 3 (10–14 marks) Reasonable response
Some supported reasoning about the issue. Different arguments and perspectives are included.
The response contains some points and/or evidence to support the views expressed, with two (or more) developed points, and some undeveloped points. The response is structured but at times difficult to follow and an attempt is made to give an overall judgement.