2B. Ch4 I Grammar HH

Please sit down.
Put your book and Ipad facedown on your table.

Lesson starts when the timer stops!
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Please sit down.
Put your book and Ipad facedown on your table.

Lesson starts when the timer stops!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Homework check
Grammar rules
Get to work

Lesson goal: You know how to make the 3 different future tenses (sleepvraag)

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Homework check
Basis: Do exercise 57 on page 43

Kader: Do exercise 53 on page 42-43

Study Vocabulary G Reading on page 49

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

2 Basis
2 Kader

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Present simple
Be going to
We stay in Paris for one more week.
Er is geen bewijs
Er is wel bewijs
Tijdschema's, roosters & dienstregelingen 
He is going to walk 10 km tomorrow
Do you think it will rain on Saturday?

Slide 6 - Sleepvraag

Let's practise!
  1. English class ..... (to start) at 10.00h
  2. My sister .... (visit) our grandmother on Sunday.
  3.  I think the sun .... (shine) tomorrow.
  4. My friends and I ..... (to go) to Pinkpop this year!
  5. "What are your plans today?" "Not sure, I think I ..... (to play) videogames."
  6. The train ..... (to leave) at 14.20h
Notes p.46

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Let's practise!
  1. English class starts (to start) at 10.00h
  2. My sister is going to visit (visit) our grandmother on Sunday.
  3.  I think the sun will shine (shine) tomorrow.
  4. My friends and I are going to go (to go) to Pinkpop this year!
  5. "What are your plans today?" "Not sure, I think I will play (to play) videogames."
  6. The train leaves (to leave) at 14.20h

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

C Grammar
Basis: Do exercise 56, 58a, 59 on page 43-45
Kader: Do exercise 54, 55, 56ab on page 43-45

Finished? Check your answers
Do the + assignment
Practise the present simple here
Practise will + be going to here
Practise will + be going to exercise 2 here
56: bekijk de plaatjes en de woorden + tijd. Gebruik de present simple om zinnen te maken. (bv, 1. de trein vertrekt om 12:45u)
58a: maak met de woord chunks volledige zinnen waarbij je de juiste future tense gebruikt (be going to of will)
59: Bekijk het rooster. Schrijf zinnen waarbij je vertelt wat Caspar allemaal gaat doen (be going to) deze week (vb, op dinsdag gaat Caspar oefenen met de band)
54b: bekijk de plaatjes. Trek strepen om een zin te maken die het plaatje beschrijft.
54c: gebruik 'to be going to' om zinnen te maken op blz 44
55: Lees de grammar tip! Onderstreep shall of will
56a: wat voor soort future tense is het? Zet strepen. Gebruik je aantekeningen.
56b: gebruik de juiste toekomstige tijd. Pas het werkwoord aan wanneer nodig. Uitleggen hoeft niet.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Present simple
Be going to
.... + hele werkwoord
We are going to watch some football at home
The bus leaves at 8 o'clock
am / is / are .... + hele werkwoord
hele ww / he, she, it ww +s
I promise I will help when you need me

Slide 11 - Sleepvraag

Basis: Do exercise 57 on page 43
Kader: Do exercise 53 on page 42-43

Study Vocabulary G Reading on page 49

Slide 12 - Tekstslide