FCE Speaking parts 3 and 4

Cambridge English - week 11, lesson 2
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Cambridge English - week 11, lesson 2

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Class work
Speaking part 3
Speaking part 4

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Speaking part 3 (Collaborative task)
What's in part 3? 
Conversation with the other candidate. The examiner gives the students a question and some written prompts. The students discuss these together for two minutes. The examiner will then ask them to make a decision together about the topic they have been discussing.

What do students have to practise?  
Exchanging ideas, expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing, suggesting, speculating, evaluating, reaching a decision through negotiation, etc.

  • A 2-minute discussion followed by a 1-minute decision-making task

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Remember for part 3
1. Interact with your partner
2. Ask for opinions
3. Give reasons why you believe something
I think / I don’t think …. because …
4. Find out whether your partner agrees or not
Do you agree? What about you? How about you?
5. Keep moving along
What do you think about …? What are your thought on …? How about moving on to …? Let’s discuss a different one now.
6. Interrupt your partner politely if necessary
7. Ask questions if your partner doesn’t speak enough

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Speaking part 4 (Discussion)
What's in part 4? 
Further discussion with the other candidate, guided by questions from the examiner, about the same topic as the task in Part 3.

What do students have to practise?  
Expressing and justifying opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing.

  • The discussion should last 4 minutes

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Remember for part 4
1. Pay attention: listen to the questions and your partner’s answers
2. It’s okay to ask: Can you repeat that, please? / Could you please repeat that question? 

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Do you consider yourself healthy? Why or why not?
Which sports are popular where you live? Why?
Would you want to join a new sport? Why or why not?
What effect do cell phones, computers, and TVs have on our health?
Do you think people will become more or less healthy in the future? Why?

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Are libraries popular in your town/city/country? Why or why not?
Do you think we will have more or fewer libraries in the future? Why?
Do you read physical books or e-books? Why?
What’s your favorite thing to read? Why?
Some people say young people are reading less nowadays. Do you agree? Why or why not?

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What are some advantages of living in a small town?
How about the downsides?
What kinds of things can you do for entertainment in a small town?
Are small towns better for old people or young people? Why?
When you retire, where would you prefer to live? Why?

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Is it better to eat at home or at a restaurant? Why?
Is fast food popular in your country? Why or why not?
Would you ever become a vegetarian? Why or why not?
What cuisines are most popular in your town? Why?
Some people say healthy food is more expensive than cheap food. Is that true? Why or why not?

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End of the class
Today you have:
- practised speaking parts 3 and 4

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