V1a - Poetry Portfolio: Lesson 5, Fairy Poem - 25-02-2025

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo t, havo, vwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Today's Lesson
- Fairy poem! How to....
- Poetry Assignment: 
Write a Fairy Poem!

Goal:  I know how to write a Fairy Poem correctly. I can also give an example of a Fairy Poem and I know the rules of how to make a Fairy Poem.

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Poetry Porfolio Schedule
Write a rhyming poem - 15 January
Write a Limerick - 21 January
Write a Haiku - 28 January
Write an Acrostic Poem - 04 February
Write a Fairy Poem - 25 February
Portfolio Deadline: 04 March
(Hand in all the poems together in a folder at the start of class)
The final grade counts twice towards your final grade

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What is a fairy poem?

Slide 5 - Open vraag

Fairy Poem (Elfje) Rules
Short poem
  • 11 words
  • 5 lines

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Fairy Poem (Elfje) Rules
Line 1: One word. This word is the theme. The word symbolizes the atmosphere of the poem.

Line 2: Two words. These are something or someone that has to do with theme of the poem

Line 3: Three words. Giving more information about the person or the object. You describe where the person or the object is, who the person or what the object is, or what the person or object is doing. This sentence usually starts with the word ‘he’, ‘she’ or ‘it.’

Line 4: Four words. Here you are writing something about yourself in relation to the person or the object. This sentence is your conclusion.

Line 5: One word. This word is called the ‘Bomb.’ It is the essence of the poem.

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Fairy poem (Elfje)
Your smile
Your long hair
Your pretty green eyes

1 word
2 words
3 words
4 words
1 word

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Fairy poem (Elfje)
the eyes
in the dark
Is there a cat?

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Fairy poem (Elfje) Acrostic
Little verse
Following simple rules
Just eleven words long

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Creative assignment
  • Write your own Fairy Poem
  • You will be allowed to read your Fairy poem out loud if you'd like


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Share your Fairy poem

Slide 12 - Open vraag

See you next time!

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