10.2 The Cuban Missile CrisisDuring the Cold War era, the USA and the Soviet Union became engaged in a ________ race and a ________ race.
For both countries this was very ____________.
In 1953 ________ died and he was succeeded by ___________ who announced the _____________ (= what?).
He also introduced the policy of Peaceful __________ (= what?)
In 1959 the Cuban dictator _______ was replaced by Fidel Castro. Castro turned Cuba into a ___________ island.
The Americans were worried because____________.... In 1961 the USA tried to overthrow Castro with the _____________
invasion. This failed / succeeded (choose).
Castro now developed more friendship with _________. Together they made plans to place __________ on the island.
When American spy planes detected the missile installations the USA feared _____________.
President _______ reacted with a military ___________ and threatened to attack any Soviet ship carrying ________.
The _____________ Crisis almost led to a full-scale ________ war. Eventually _________ gave in and dismantled the missile sites on Cuba.
In 1949 ________ turned China into a _________ state. He ruled China with an iron fist.
Dispite his ____________ Campaign, in which Chinese people were invited to give their opinion, millions of people who were critical towards the regime were _________ and ___________.