Assignment 3 - Part 1B

Assignment 3 - Part 1B 
T Level in Education and early years
Year 2
1 / 9
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Early yearsFurther Education (Key Stage 5)

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Assignment 3 - Part 1B 
T Level in Education and early years
Year 2

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Learning Objectives
By the end of the session, all learners will be able to:

Understand the self evaluation mock Question and explain the requirements of answering this effectively.

Practice completing the self evaluation question again to effectively use key words and work on the correct structure required. 

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Time sheets ! 
Now that you have completed block placements, both Jo and I need to re-count your hours. 

Authorise the days of for sickness that we know about. 
& record these effectively. 

Anyone who has reached 750 hours can drop down to 6 hours a day.

Photocopy your time sheets and hand them in. 

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Feedback for this part of the exam only 
In assignment 3 part 1B, there are only 2 questions. Both equivalent to 30 minutes each. 
The first question is all about your strengths and weaknesses about completing the 3 x observations in task 1a.
What went well
  • Many of you used some key words such as: professionalism, time management, knowledge. 
  • Some of your linked back to the observations and discussed how this was used to support best practice. 
What did not go so well.
  • Not enough detail in your responses, some of them were very brief and confusing. 
  • You need to clearly articulate what went well & even better if.... 
  • Many of your used descriptive statements and did not clarify your own skills or CURRICULUM LINKS.
  • You need to reflect on your skills of completing the observation and not so much what happened in the observation. 
  • You need to embed a reflective cycle often Kolb's is the most ideal reflective cycle to be using. (Can use any out of the 3)
  • You need to use academic words such as: active listening multi tasking. 
  • Honestly I do not want to read anyone write a narrative is a long piece of writing! 

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What makes a good response
A good response is articulated well and less opinionated. The intention of writing this evaluation is to reflect on your skill set not to become a negative Nelly. 

For example: writing information like: Snapshot is not great as it only has brief information is not advised. You need to be able to give clarity in your answer, utilising academic terminology but also provide depth and clarity in your response. 

Key words / sentence starters to consider: 
- The reflective practice supported..... 
- In comparison to.... 
- More over... / therefore ..... / However.... 
- Confidentiality 
- In conclusion 

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Analysis of an example piece of writing 

For this task you will need a highlighter, you are required to analyse this example writing. 

Look for key words, important information. 

Spend time analysing the structure of the written response. 

Look for the key differences between your response and the example. 

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Recapping the reflective cycles.
When writing the self analysis task you only have 30 minutes. Within the 30 minutes you must demonstrate you have clear transparency about a reflective cycle. 
David Kolb 
Reflective cycle
Graham Gibbs 
Boud, Keogh and Walker

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Example of embedding a reflective cycle
Introduction only

To evaluate my strengths and weaknesses, I will be using David Kolb's reflective cycle to assess my own skills and strategies in observing children aged 3 - 4 years old in my nursery placement. The concrete experience enables me to seek clarity during the experience or event as it takes place, helping me to correctly reflect on how effectively I was able to observe during part 1a. Reflecting on the experience of completing 3 observations in placement will provide me a clearer understanding of how to conceptualise the experience, allowing me to come to terms with why certain skills were my weakness or strength. Lastly the abstract conceptualisation helps me understand strategies and skills I need to better going forth. 

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Practices makes perfect
On google classroom, you have an assignment open where you will now practice writing a response to this question again. 

Hot tips: 
You need to make sure you are planning the structure of your answer, do not be over descriptive about the activity it needs to be more focused on the observation method you are using.

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