4.6 taking part and explaining rules part 2

           Lesson plan Block 4
4-2 no class
4-3 Whit Monday (pentecost)
4-4: (27/05) 
L1: Unit 4A
L2: Unit 4B
4-5 (3/6) studiedag
4-6 (10/6)
L3: Conversations practice
L4: Unit 4C

4-7 (17/06)
L5: Unit 4D
L6: Review
4-8 (24/06)
L7: test block 4
L8: test conversations
4-8: afsluitweek
1 / 14
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EnglishMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 100 min

Onderdelen in deze les

           Lesson plan Block 4
4-2 no class
4-3 Whit Monday (pentecost)
4-4: (27/05) 
L1: Unit 4A
L2: Unit 4B
4-5 (3/6) studiedag
4-6 (10/6)
L3: Conversations practice
L4: Unit 4C

4-7 (17/06)
L5: Unit 4D
L6: Review
4-8 (24/06)
L7: test block 4
L8: test conversations
4-8: afsluitweek

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

           Lesson plan Block 4
4-2 (16/5) L1: Unit 4A
4-3  (23/5) L2: Unit 4A2
4-4 (27/05) L3: Unit 4B
         (30/05) L4: Can do's and revising
4-5 (3/6) studiedag
         (6/6) L5: 4C Explain game
4-6 (10/6) L6: Unit 4C2
         (13/10) L7: Unit 4D

4-7 (17/06): review (DM: at home)
        (20/06): No class
4-8 (24/06)
          L7: test block 4
          L8: test conversations
4-8: afsluitweek

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Bring your stuff!!
Phones in bag
No food (unless I bring it)
Arrive on time

No littering
Be respectful
Try hard
Second time no homework done= no class

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

TODAY  Unit 4C2
 *Notebook+ Pen
 *English connect

Next test:  Achievement test ( Unit 3&4): end block 4
24/27 June
Next graded assignment:
                  AGENDA 2 hour class:
  1. 100 humans
  2. Review unit 3
  3. Finish 4C
  4. Emma's game/ homework

About: Explaining rules

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

  1. You can explain rules and procedures
  2. You can present procedures with a clear structure, starting with general information and then adding more detail
  3. You can tackle a task by yourself


Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Goals Unit 4
8 Use language related to winning, losing, ability and performance.
9 Express obligation or advice with ‘need to’ ‘have to’ or ‘must’.
10 Use ‘needn’t’ and ‘don’t/doesn’t have to’ to express absence of obligation.
Use ‘mustn’t’ to express prohibition. Use ‘should(n’t)’ to offer or ask for advice or
11 Talk about social media and websites using technology collocations.

12 Explain rules and procedures
13 Talk about a memorable journey: present perfect +

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

100 humans
Battle of the sexes 25:00'
Explaining a procedure

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

UNIT 4C Winners: taking part
                                  What? Make p.50-51   ex. 1-4
                  How? Idc, just do it :)
  Time? 10 min
                                                    Ready? Make HW 4C (online practice)

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Group 1
What? Make UNIT 3 REVIEW p.42
How? Alone
Time? 10 minutes 
Help? Ask me
Why? You learn to talk about social media
Ready? Do the homework for unit 4B
Group 2
What? 1. Make Worksheet Para A or B
How? Alone
Time? 10 minutes
Help? Dictionary
Why? To learn about social media and self-management
Ready? Do the homework U4B

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

  1. You can explain rules and procedures
  2. You can present procedures with a clear structure, starting with general information and then adding more detail
  3. You can tackle a task by yourself


Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Homework: 4C
Next lesson: 4D

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Emma's game
Explanation in English
Sentence in English with an animal
No nswf!

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

What did you think of the lesson?

Slide 14 - Poll