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The French Revolution
The French Revolution
Viva la Vida
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The French Revolution
Viva la Vida
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
The French Revolution
15 min
What is the most important cause?
20 min
Comparing revolutions
10 min
After today you can:
* place the French Revolution in the right time
* explain what the Estates system was
* give two reasons why the French rebelled against their king
* compare the French and the American Revolution
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Third estate:
But since Renaissance:
More and more citizens (educated and wealthy)
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May 1789: gathering of the Estates-General
(in Versailles)
Representatives of third estate proposed that clergy and nobility also pay taxes
Nobility did not agree, clergy was very divided
Third estate started their own gathering
National Assembly
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And then...
... More and more members of the two other estates joined them
... started working on a constitution with less power for the king
... the king (Louis XVI) was not happy
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14 juli 1789: storming of the Bastille
start of the French Revolution
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Liberty, equality & brotherhood
violence - rich versus poor
castles, monasteries burned to the ground
National Assembly abolishes all feudal rights
Three estates system ends
Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen
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1792: France becomes a republic
21 january 1793: Louis XVI is beheaded by guillotine
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The Reign of Terror
The revolution derails
Radical lawyer Robespierre is an important leader
Everyone who did not agree with the ideals of the revolution should be executed
Up to 70 executions per day!
Was beheaded himself in 1794
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the moderates cannot control the country
general Napoleon Bonaparte stages a coup, seizes power
beginning of Napeleonic era
Conquers big part of Europe
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Question time!
1. When was the French Revolution?
2. What was the Estates system in France?
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Causes French Revolution
You will get nine cards with causes for the French Revolution
Place them in the diamond shape - the most important cause on top, the least important cause at the bottom
(15 mins)
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Compare & Contrast
(Individual work)
What are the similarities and differences between the American and French revolutions?
Answer this question in about 200 words
Use your book as first resource
Use the internet for additional information
Slide 14 - Tekstslide
Read 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3
Make a concept/ word map of every chapter
Slide 15 - Tekstslide
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