2P2L3 Reading B1 correspondence

English Reading B1

26 November 2024
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

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English Reading B1

26 November 2024

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Two English archeologists open the tomb of the Egyptian pharao Tutankhamun. The curse 
of the pharaos is claimed to 
cause bad luck, illness, or death
to anyone who disturbs the 

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Deaths attributed to the tomb
1922 Death of Lord Carnarvon, the one who discovered the tomb six weeks after opening the tomb.
1923 A man caught a fever after visiting the tomb and died.
1925 The house of anthropologist Henry Field burned down afther receiving a gift from the tomb.
1928 A member of the excavation team died from pleuritis and pneumonia.
1929 Carter's secretary died from smothering

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26 November
                                        National Cake Day - enjoy a lovely piece of                                               cake.

Good grief day - The celebration focuses 
on the importance of acknowledging and 
expressing grief.

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Conversation starters

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Today's lesson 
  • Goals for today
  • Reading correspondence
  • Practise
  • Case Josef

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Lesson goals for today:
After this lesson, you will know about different types of correspondence (letter, email, postcard or note)

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Correspondence: know the writers goal
Letter of complaint
Request for information
Cancellation (order/reserv)
Confirmation (order/reserv)
Offer (business)
Order (business)

Making contact
Keeping in touch

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Reading exercise

Go to Itslearning,
Robot teachers

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Beroepsgericht Engels

Uitleg case Josef
3 - 4 weken 
1/2 les per keer

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FIX reading B1:
Reading correspondence ch 3.1 + 3.2

Remember: practise makes perfect!

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See you next time!!!

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