Media Minds 7 April BNC

Media Minds
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo k, g, tLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Media Minds

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Activities - Stepping Stones
Chapter 5 - Reading
2B - SS KGT - 7 April 2021

 Read "strategy", Do Ex. 19B, 20A and 21
  • You have 30 minutes to complete these activities
  • I will check answers at the end of the lesson
  • If you finish early do Speaking and Stones - Stone 13 and Ex. 24B

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Lesson Goals
1-Minute BBC News
Social media challenges
Chapter 5, Reading strategies and comprehension
Lesson Goals achieved?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Lesson goals
By the end of this lesson students can......

- make use of reading strategies when reading comprehensively
- work in pairs (in the class)
- talk about social media challenges
- describe improvements that could be made in your own town using social media challenges

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Link

If you completed the homework, you know what the below words mean. Write an English sentence that includes two (2) of these words in one (1) sentence.
- broadcast, - commercial, - headline, - live report, - newsflash, -news item, - opinion, - present, - record, - reporter, - scoop

Slide 6 - Open vraag

You’re going to read a text about a social media challenge called #trashtag in which many people took part worldwide. Write down two other social media challenges that you’ve heard of. Have you participated in these? Why (not)?

Slide 7 - Open vraag

Reading Strategies
When you answer questions about a text, always stick to the information provided in the text. We tend to keep the knowledge we have about the theme or subject in mind while answering.

Follow these steps when answering the question:
– What is exactly said in the text?
– Which words prove that your answer is correct?
– How can you prove that the other answers are incorrect?

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

SS - Chapter 5 - Reading

2C - SS Havo/VWO 
  • Read the text under ex. 18B and answer the questions
  • When finished discuss ex. 19 with a partner in the class
  • You have 12 minutes to complete both activities
  • If you have time over, complete ex. 20

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

SS - Chapter 5 - Reading

2C - SS Havo/VWO 
Complete ex. 20 and 21
You have 8 minutes to complete both activities

What you don't finish in class is homework.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Explain what you have learnt in today's lesson?

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Lesson goals achieved?
By the end of this lesson students can......

- make use of reading strategies when reading comprehensively
- work in pairs (in the class)
- talk about social media challenges
- describe improvements that could be made in your own town using social media challenges

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

SS - Chapter 5 - Reading

2C - SS Havo/VWO 
Ex. 18B, 19, 20 and 21

Activities that  you did not finish during class time are homework.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Class rules  |  Klas regels
Respect each other | Respecteer elkaar
Do not laugh at each other | Lach elkaar niet uit
If the teacher is talking, students are quiet | Als de leraar aan het praten is, zijn de leerlingen stil
Hands in the air if you have a question | Handen in de lucht als u een vraag hebt
Always have your books and a charged laptop/ipad with you in the English classroom | Zorg dat u altijd uw boeken en een opgeladen laptop/ipad bij u heeft in de Engels les
Speak English as much as possible | Spreek zoveel mogelijk Engels
No hoodies, hats or baseball caps on in class | Geen hoodie capuchons, hoeden, muts of petten aan in klas
No airpods or headphones on in class | Geen airpods of koptelefoons aan in klas
No swearing | Niet schelden of vloeken
Do your homework | Doe je huiswerk
Mobile phone in the bag when you enter the class |  Telefoons in tas bij binnenkomst

Slide 14 - Tekstslide