YV4 - Cells - 4.2 Organs, tissues and cells

YV4 Chapter 4 Cells
4.2 Organs, tissue and cells 
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BiologieMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 23 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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YV4 Chapter 4 Cells
4.2 Organs, tissue and cells 

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Quiz 4.1 Introduction to Biology

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Slide 3 - Quizvraag

Objects that are alive consist of cells, wool = hair of a sheep, so there are no cells in wool


Slide 4 - Quizvraag

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Slide 5 - Sleepvraag

A biome is a large area characterized by its vegetation, soil, climate, and wild life. So biotic factors as well as abiotic factors. The level of organisation is in between the ecosystem and the biosphere
Sexual reproduction takes place on the organisational level of ....

Slide 6 - Open vraag

Population, a single organism can only reproduce on the level of asexual reproduction
Is an antbridge an example of an emergent property?

Slide 7 - Quizvraag

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4.2 Organs, tissues and cells

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Learning goals
  • You can recognize organsystems, organs, tissues and cells and you can describe their characteristics and functions
  • You can explain in (parts of) organisms what the connection is between form and function 

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Do you remember the name and function of these organs?

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

1) Trachea --> transport air
2) Lungs --> breathing
3) Heart -->  pumping blood
4) Liver --> confer nutrients, filters blood and detoxicification
5) Stomach --> mix and break down food
6) Large intestine --> Absorb water and salt
7) Small intestine --> break down nutrients
8) Esophagus -->  transports food to the stomach
9) Spleen --> stores and filters blood
10) Kidney -->  Remove waste and filter blood
11) Bladder --> Storage of urine

Do you remember the name and function of these organs?
1) Trachea --> transport air
2) Lungs --> breathing
3) Heart --> pumping blood
4) Liver --> confer nutrients, filters blood and detoxicification
5) Stomach --> mix and break down food
6) Large intestine --> Absorb water and salt
7) Small intestine --> break down nutrients
8) Esophagus --> transports food to the stomach
9) Spleen --> stores and filters blood
10) Kidney --> Remove waste and filter blood
11) Bladder --> Storage of urine

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

1) Trachea --> transport air
2) Lungs --> breathing
3) Heart -->  pumping blood
4) Liver --> confer nutrients, filters blood and detoxicification
5) Stomach --> mix and break down food
6) Large intestine --> Absorb water and salt
7) Small intestine --> break down nutrients
8) Esophagus -->  transports food to the stomach
9) Spleen --> stores and filters blood
10) Kidney -->  Remove waste and filter blood
11) Bladder --> Storage of urine

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Number 20 is part of which organsystem?

Slide 13 - Open vraag

The kidneys are part of the excretory system

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Slide 15 - Tekstslide

Connective tissue supports other tissues and binds them together (bone, blood, and lymph tissues). 

Epithelial tissue provides a covering (skin, the linings of the various passages inside the body). 

Muscle tissue includes striated (also called voluntary) muscles that move the skeleton, and smooth muscle, such as the muscles that surround the stomach. 

Nerve tissue is made up of nerve cells (neurons) and is used to carry "messages" to and from various parts of the body.
Intercellular material (" Tussencelstof") 
Cells rarely touch due to an amount of extracellular material between cells
Functions include: support (bone cells), flexibility (cartilage) , transport of materials and signals, storage and protection
Many diverse forms: gel, liquid, fibrous or solid
Capacity for regeneration and repair

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Form and function
In organisms there is a connection between the form and the function of the biological units that they are build of e.g. streamline, withstanding forces, axons and dendrites of neurons...

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Homologie of analogie?

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Vorm en functie
Form and function of bones are dictated by  lifestyle

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The seat post (zadelpen) of a bicycle saddle
is hollow. Which human organ
is comparable in form and function?
Windpipe or trachea
Ear canal

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Key words
Intercellular material
Form and function

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Make exercises on the worksheet (see classroom)

4.1 introduction (exercises 1-3) 
4.2 organs, tissues and cells (exercises 4-7) 

Hand in the exercise in classroom

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