واجب / فرض (Wajib / Fard) – Obligatory, 'duty'
Refers to actions that a Muslim must perform. Neglecting a wajib/fard action is considered sinful. For example: performing the daily prayers (salah).
مستحب (Mustahabb) – Recommended, 'desirable'
Actions that are encouraged but not obligatory. If performed, they bring reward, but neglecting them is not sinful. For example: extra prayers (nawafil) or giving additional charity.
مباح (Mubaḥ) – Neutral, 'permissible'
Acts that are neither encouraged nor discouraged. Doing or avoiding them has no consequences. For example: eating or drinking, as long as it is within the bounds of halal.
مكروه (Makruh) – Disliked, 'discouraged'
Actions that are not forbidden but are discouraged. Avoiding them brings reward, but performing them is not sinful. For example: overeating.
حرام (Haram) – A sin, 'forbidden'
Actions explicitly prohibited in Islam. Engaging in haram actions is considered sinful and can lead to punishment in the hereafter. For example: drinking alcohol or stealing.