Iago: Put money in thy purse. Follow thou the arts of the devil; and thou shalt be made a man of means.
Roderigo: How, how, I am to put money in thy purse?
Iago: Why, by making a lady of the most virtuous, lovely, and most gracious woman in the world, to be the bride of a drunken, sleepless, untrustworthy, faithless, and unworthy Moor. Thou art a fool, to let the wind blow to thine advantage, and let this ruffian fool play with you. The very rich and rare person whom the world reveres can be unmasked like a common woman; all will look with admiration to this lady’s fine aspects.
Roderigo: Shall I go? I’d go straight there
Iago: No – stay. Take money, put it in thy purse and have patience. Now, never more look to that land, and let your purse empty of all that’s in it.