2H South Africa extra lesson

Unit 5 - South Africa 
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Unit 5 - South Africa 

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Today's plan
- South african culture

- Work in pairs/groups

- Do you know which book you want to read for book 3?

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Nelson Mandela
-Former president of South Africa (1994-1999)
-Anti-apartheid activist 
-Imprisoned for 27 years for trying to overthrow the 
pro-apartheid government 

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Apartheid: Racial segregation set in place by the National Party when they came to power in 1948
Why does the word sound Dutch?

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The Rainbow Nation
-Diverse and multicultural society
-People of all cultures, colours, backgrounds, religions, different languages, rich or poor  live together as one nation in peace  -> opposite of apartheid 

-Desmond Tutu (Archbishop and Human Rights Activist) 
-Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize 1984

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South Africa has one capital city for each branch of the government in the country. 
The government is divided into three different branches, the legislative, executive and judicial.

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Rand with Nelson mandela on it :)

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Let's get to work!
- In pairs or threes, make a travel guide
- Choose a theme: 
Nature & Wildlife, Culture & History
, Cities & Sightseeing, or Food & Lifestyle.
- Has to have a title (the theme), introduction, at least 3 highlights with descriptions and 2 pictures or drawings
- Present your travel guide to class (max. 1 minute!)

- Which travel guide is the best one? (Reward?)

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Book 3 ideas?
The week of may 19th you have to have read a book :)

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