how to start a presentation

Today's lesson:
- Explain your presentations
- How to start a presentation
- Practice
- Time left? Speaking game

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 11 slides, met tekstslides en 2 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Today's lesson:
- Explain your presentations
- How to start a presentation
- Practice
- Time left? Speaking game

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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How do you start a presentation? 

For a minute think about the start of a presentation and come up with three different ways that you can start instead of saying 
''my presentation is about.../ hello everybody today I'm going to talk about...'' 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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How do you start a presentation?  video 1
  • Possible answers could be: by asking the audience a question, starting with an anecdote (story), showing a video clip to introduce the topic.
  • On the next slide there's a video on how to start a presentation. While watching the video I want you to answer this question: 

In the video the lady mentions that it isn't important to the audience what you are going to talk about because they usually already know. What should you focus on instead? 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Slide 4 - Video

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How do you start a presentation? video 1
  • So instead of focusing on what we are going to talk about, we should be focusing on.......?
  •  We should be focusing on why we are going to talk about that topic. 
  •  What was according to her a great way to introduce your topic?
  •  With a story and by linking that story to your topic. 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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How do you start a presentation? video 2
  • For the next video I need you to grab a pen and paper. 
  • The lady in the video gives you 4 steps to follow in order to have a great start to your presentation. 
  • Write down in details what each of the steps are.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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Slide 7 - Video

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4 steps to an introduction
  1. Start with a hook: (hook= iets wat de aandacht trekt) Like a story or a question >Have you ever seen law & order or CSI? ....
  2. Transition to topic:what does the hook have to do with your presentation? > ''You might be wondering 'what does this have to do with presentation skills?' well .....''
  3. Short introduction of who you are. (in onze geval kan je deze stap overslaan.)
  4.  Audience benefit (dus wat is het nut van jouw presentatie voor jouw publiek) ''If you follow this not only will your audience be leaning in wanting to hear more but also.....''
  1. Start with a hook: (hook= iets wat de aandacht trekt) Like a story or a question >Have you ever seen law & order or CSI? ....
  2. Transition to topic:what does the hook have to do with your presentation? > ''You might be wondering 'what does this have to do with presentation skills?' well .....''
  3. Short introduction of who you are. (in onze geval kan je deze stap overslaan.)
  4.  Audience benefit (dus wat is het nut van jouw presentatie voor jouw publiek) ''If you follow this not only will your audience be leaning in wanting to hear more but also.....''
4 steps to a good introduction

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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My example
  •  The Reading List - Sarah Nisha Adams
  • Set nowadays
  • People find a mysterious reading list in 
     library books. This helps them overcome 
     struggles in their personal lives and unites

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

What would you do if you were looking for a book to read for your presentation, and found a list full of recommendations? Would you acknowledge them, or maybe view them as inspiration? People like books for various different reasons. Some like them because they're easy, some because they see themselves in the story, others because the story changes the way they see the world. This book features such a reading list and the book made a lasting impression on me.
Practice (20 minutes)
- Schrijf nu zelf een korte introductie voor jouw presentatie.
- Gebruik de stappen van de vorige slide. (je hoeft niet met een vraag te beginnen. Mag dus ook een verhaal/ metafoor etc)
- Wees creatief! Jouw doel is om het onderwerp zo interessant mogelijk te introduceren om de aandacht te trekken. 
- schrijf het op in een google drive/ word document om het goed te bewaren en schrijf tenminste 150 woorden. 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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- Als je introductie niet af is maak je die voor maandag af.
- Daarnaast heb ik een video toegevoegd op magister over hoe je een presentatie kan eindigen. Bedenk thuis op welke manier jij jouw presentatie wilt beëindigen en schrijf jouw stuk voor maandag af. 
- Neem voor de volgende les je laptop mee. 

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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