History of Christianity

2.1 History of Christianity
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2.1 History of Christianity

Slide 1 - Tekstslide


  • Following of the ideas and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth
  • Cult of Judaism
  • There are many different groups in Christianity 

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Slide 3 - Video

Jesus of Nazareth

  • Born in Bethlemen to Maria and Joseph (Virgin Birth)
  • Grew up Jewish with the idea of a Messiah
  • Began preaching at 30 to spread the idea of God's love, forgiveness and salvation
  • Gathered 12 disciplines (Judas, Peter, John)
  • Performed many miracles (curing the sick, walking on water, turning water to wine)
Historical context
Jesus grew up in Judea which was under Roman rule where people sufferend from heavy taxation and social injustice. Jewish authorities also focused more on legal matters rather than compassion and justice. Both these events caused people to hope for a leader to free them
Jesus according to the Roman Cathoclics
Jesus according to the historians

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Conflict & arrest

  • Jesus and his followers entered Jerusalem on Passover and is hailed as a king (Palm Sunday)
  • Gets betrayed by Judas during the Last Supper 
  •  He is sentenced to death by the Romans and crucified on a Friday (Good Friday)
  • He will be resurrected on the third day (Easter Sunday) 
  • He appeared to his followers before ascending to heaven 
Key words
Palm Sunday: The last Sunday of the Christian fast
The Last Supper
During the Last Supper Jesus tells his disciples that one would betray him that night. Judas is the third person seated on Jesus' left side 

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  • Believe that Mary was not included in the Original Sin. Others have read this as meaning she never had sexual relations.
  • Mary is one of the most important people in the Gospels (“evangelies”).
  • A Gospel is the story of the life of Jesus, mostly collected by eyewitness accounts > Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

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  • The Rosary should be seen in the practice of prayer beads (bidsnoeren) 
  • The Rosary is dedicated to Mary. The prayer Hail Mary (Ave Maria) is the most prominent in the Rosary.

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Slide 9 - Video

Drag the holy sacraments to the corresponding picture
Anointing of the sick
Holy Communion
Holy orders

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