Chapter 2 - G: Reading

Chapter 3

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Chapter 3

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

What do you need this lesson?

- Your textbook
- Your workbook
- Your notebook
- A pen

- Smartphone (on quiet)
- Earbuds/headphones
- Food/drinks (this means water as well)
- Gum
* Bags on the floor

- Jackets/Coats

On your desk:
In your bag (not pockets):
In your locker:

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What do you always have to do?

  • Always take a notebook with you to class. 
  • Write down the grammar rules in your notebook.
  • Write other important stuff in your notebook.

No notebook (or an empty one) means that you've forgotten your work.

Create a vocabulary list at the end of your notebook. This broadens your vocabulary and help you remember more. 
Take Notes!
Vocabulary list
Always do your homework + don't forget to bring your homework, books, pen and notebook with you.

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Learning goals
  • A2 I can understand a text about hologram concerts.
  • I know how to skim a text;
  • I know the difficult words in a text or can get them out of context;
  • I can find a video online, and talk about it;
  • I know words that have to do with bionic arms;

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43. Before reading
  • In pairs
A superhero with cat-like claws on each hand
You are going to read a text about a person with an unusual body part. Do you know a video game character or a film character like that? Take Wolverine for example. Talk to your classmate about a character you know that has an unusual body part and discuss what they can do with it.

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Bij ‘globaal lezen’ lees je oppervlakkig en probeer je alleen de belangrijkste informatie te achterhalen. Je hoeft niet elk woord te begrijpen. Lees de titel, inleiding, tussenkopjes, het slot, en de eerste en laatste zin van elke alinea. Een andere manier om belangrijke informatie uit een tekst te halen is door het beantwoorden van de volgende vragen.

- Over wie / wat gaat de tekst? - Waarom?
- Waar / Wanneer speelt het zich af? - Hoe?
Dit zijn de zogenaamde WH-questions (who, what, where, when, why, how).

7 Globaal lezen (Reading globally)
Bij ‘globaal lezen’ lees je oppervlakkig en probeer je alleen de belangrijkste informatie te achterhalen. Je hoeft niet elk woord te begrijpen. Lees de titel, inleiding, tussenkopjes, het slot, en de eerste en laatste zin van elke alinea. Een andere manier om belangrijke informatie uit een tekst te halen is door het beantwoorden van de volgende vragen.

- Over wie / wat gaat de tekst? - Waarom?
- Waar / Wanneer speelt het zich af? - Hoe?
Dit zijn de zogenaamde WH-questions (who, what, where, when, why, how).

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46b+c. During reading
  • On your own
Scan An incredible bionic arm. 
Answer the questions.
Read the text. Which sentences are correct? Choose the correct answers.

  • With a classmate:
-  Talk about what you found difficult.

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47. After reading
  • On your own
Search online for a video about 3D-printed bionic Hero Arms. Watch the video and answer questions 1 and 2. Write down your answer.
1 Do you think the Open Bionics company is doing a good job? Mention at least two reasons why.
2 Which Hero Arm would you choose? Mention at least two reasons why.

Discuss this with a classmate.

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48. Vocabulary
  • On your own
Write down the correct words under the pictures. Choose from:

advertisement – contraction – empowered – flashlight – to rotate – scientist – train – unusual

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What have you learned?
  •  I can understand short, descriptive texts about familiar subjects.
  • You can give your opinion about stupid criminals, and can give arguments;
  • I can understand words that have to do something with criminals and getting away;

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Next Lesson (Homework)
Finish 45 till 47b

44 = a recording of yourself.

- G reading (page 169)
- F listening (page 169)
- Grammar - prepositions of time and place + future tenses (p.171)
- Stone 5 (page 170)
- C: reading (page 169)
+ A: Watching (page 168)
+ Theme words: (page 168)
- Making predictions, Technology and development and Science and research.

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