What will the following weeks look like
Wk 2 introduction to the English program. Getting to know Taalblokken.
Wk 3 looking into the English exam. 0-meting Taalblokken.
Wk 4 checking English job vacancies and the matching qualities. Working in Taalblokken at your level.
Wk 5 practicing calling a company. Simple Past and irregular verbs.
Wk 6 presenting a short phone conversation. Practicing irregular verbs.
Wk 7 the start of the project Me, Myself & I. (Your personal and professional qualities, creating a moodboard, presenting). Test irregular verbs.
Wk 8 working on the project Me, Myself & I. Past continuous.
Wk 9 and 10 presenting Me, Myself & I at the Business Fair. Present Perfect.