Week 46 MAVO4G Lesson 2 (reading strategies B Skimming & Taboo K)

Week 46: lesson 2
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 18 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Week 46: lesson 2

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Let's play...

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Last lesson

1. You can recognize and point out the mistakes you made in your last test
2. You can talk about your opinion and defend it in class

This lesson

1. You can use skimming as a reading strategy
2. You can describe words from your wordlist L
Lesson goals

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Lesson plan
1. Hangman
2. Reading strategy B (Skimming)
3. Taboo
4. Did we achieve our lessongoals?

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You remember what is skimming?

Let's watch a video that explains more about this reading strategy!

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Slide 6 - Video

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Now I'm going to give you a handout with 2 texts

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Look at text 9
Read this text quickly in 2 minutes
Make short notes

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Now try to answer the following questions

You have 5 minutes 
& you work alone
Finished early? Write your own question about the text

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Now I'm going to give you a handout with 2 texts

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Right answers

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Now look at text 10
Read this text quickly in 2 minutes
Make short notes

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Now try to answer the following questions

You have 7 minutes 
& you work alone
Finished early? Write your own question about the text

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Right answers

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Two teams: team A & team B
Each turn one student describes one of the words of 
wordlist L to his/her team without saying the word itself. 
If the team guesses the word, they score a point!

Your team can guess two times, after that turn goes to the other team!

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Lesson goals:

1. You can use skimming as a reading strategy
2. You can describe words from your wordlist L

Homework :

none, see you after the break!

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Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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