Lesson 8 + 9: Writing Assignment 1

Reading Assignment

Book: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Reading Assignment

Book: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

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Schedule: Week 7
This Week:

  • Read chapters 12 + 13
  • Workbook reading activities Chapter 12 t/m 13
  • Discussion questions
  • Complete Writing Assignment 1

Workbook check: 13/02/2024 

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Reminder: Assessment
• Due: Week 11

• Everything must be completed in English. 

• Total weiging = x3

No points will be given for answers and texts that are plagiarised and / or contain or make use of AI / translator applications.

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Reminder: Assessment
What you must submit: WEEK 11 (toets week)

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Lesson Goal...by the end of the lesson
  • I have completed the self-portrait.

  • I have created a 'writing-plan' to complete the writing assignment.

  • I have completed writing assignment 1.

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Lesson Plan:
  • Writing plan review

  • Complete self-portrait

  • Writing Assignment 1 - explanation + questions

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Assignment 1: The Inner Hyde In You
Your self-portrait assignment consists of two parts:

1. A self-portrait (page 3)

2. A written description of your self-portrait, explaining your two different sides and explain which side is the strongest and explain why. 

Tip: Be creative!v

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Assignment 1: Written Description 
How to structure your writing assignment:
1. Introduction
2. Your Dr Jekyll side
3. Your Mr Hyde side
4. Which side you would prefer to be and why
5. Conclusion

GoogleClassroom: Writing Assignment 1

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Assignment 1: Self-Portrait
The self-portrait consists of two faces:
o Face 1: your Dr Jekyll personality
o Face 2: your Mr Hyde personality

To complete your self-portrait, you can use:
- cut-out / print-out pictures from magazines and newspapers
- write phrases and or words
- use personal photos
Be creative!

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Lesson Goal...by the end of the lesson
  • I have completed the self-portrait.

  • I have created a 'writing-plan' to complete the writing assignment.

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