The Principality of Sealand

The Principality of Sealand
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GeographyLower Secondary (Key Stage 3)

In deze les zitten 29 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

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The Principality of Sealand

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Origins and history of the Principality of Sealand

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What do you already know about the Principality of Sealand?

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Slide 6 - Video

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Geographical location and structure of Sealand
Located in the North Sea off the coast of Suffolk, England

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Micronations and legal status
Small entities claiming to be independent nations

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Paddy Roy Bates' seizure of Roughs Tower
Sealand was founded as a sovereign Principality in 1967. In 1967, Sealand was founded as a sovereign Principality on a military fortress, seven miles from the eastern shores of Britain. Sealand’s history and adventure has been defined by armed invasion attempts, the fighting of legal battles, countering a coup d’etat and surviving natural disaster while remaining fiercely independent. From this spirit the national motto was born: ‘E Mare Libertas’ (From the Sea, Freedom). Upon the declaration of independence, the founding Bates family raised the Sealand flag, pledging freedom and justice to all who lived under it. Following this, Sealand created everything you would expect from an independent country: a functioning government, passports, permanent population, constitution, currency, stamps and the means to defend our sovereignty. Today, the Bates family governs our small state as hereditary royal rulers.

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What is Sealand's national motto?
'Unity and Prosperity'
'Strength through Unity'
'E Mare Libertas' (From the Sea, Freedom)
'Liberty and Justice for All'

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During the Second World War, the British government built several Fortress islands in the North Sea to defend its coasts from German invaders. Some of these forts were built illegally in international waters.

These sea forts housed enough troops to man and maintain anti-aircraft weaponry designed to shoot down German aircraft and missiles. They were situated along the east coast of England, on the edge of British territorial waters. One of these forts, consisting of concrete and steel construction, was the now famous Roughs Tower, situated in the North Sea. 

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What were the sea forts built to defend against?
German invaders
Russian submarines
Allied forces
Japanese invaders

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Where were the Fortress islands built during the Second World War?
Mediterranean Sea
English Channel
North Sea
Baltic Sea

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In the early 60’s, Roy Bates, a Major in the British army, established a radio station, situated offshore on an abandoned ex naval fort named “Knock John”. The theory behind this location was an attempt to bypass the draconian broadcasting restrictions of the time, which permitted little more than formal broadcasting by the BBC.
Roy’s station, “Radio Essex”, and others like it, were known affectionately by the media as “Pirate” radio stations, and were much loved by the British public, as they supplied everything that the BBC did not at the time; Pop music and amusing presenters. In the years that ensued, Roy fought an unsuccessful legal battle with the UK government.

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What was the name of Roy Bates' radio station?
BBC Radio
Music Wave
Radio Essex
Pirate Radio

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On the 25th of September 1975, Prince Roy proclaimed the Constitution of the Principality of Sealand.

Over time, other national treasures were developed, such as it's national anthem, stamps, as well as gold and silver coins, minted as Sealand dollars. Principality of Sealand passports were produced and issued to many of those who have contributed to the formation and continuation of the Principality.

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What national treasures were developed in the Principality of Sealand?
Musical instruments, ancient artifacts
Famous paintings, sculptures, rare books
Historical artifacts, ancient manuscripts
National anthem, stamps, gold and silver coins

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When was the Constitution of the Principality of Sealand proclaimed?
15th of August 1980
3rd of July 1968
25th of September 1975
10th of May 1990

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In August of 1978, a number of Dutch and German men came to Sealand in the employ of a German businessman. They were visiting under the guise of a business proposition. This transpired to be a ruse, as these men were in fact highly trained mercenaries.

While Prince Roy was away they kidnapped his son Michael, and took Sealand by force. These terrorists bound Prince Michael's hands and feet, holding him captive for several days, before eventually transferring him against his will onto a fishing trawler. Following the trawler's landing in the Netherlands, Prince Michael made his way back to the UK to reunite with his father, Prince Roy. 

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How did the mercenaries take control of Sealand?
Kidnapped Prince Michael
Offered a peace treaty
Negotiated with the royals
Sought asylum

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Sealand Today
Today Sealand brings together a thriving community from all over the world who unite through a shared philosophy of freedom, self-determination and adventure. To help grow the community, we proudly offer Sealand’s Noble Title initiative. This is an open invitation to all persons of the world who share our beliefs to join our community and formally show their support in a meaningful and enjoyable way. This initiative also greatly benefits the ongoing maintenance and regeneration of the country.

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Sealand has achieved the status of being one of the most environmentally friendly countries on earth. 99.9% of its electricity is from renewables, using a combination of wind turbines and solar panels. The entire fresh water supply is harvested from rainfall, which is plentiful in the Principality.

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Definition List
Principality of Sealand: A micronation located on the decommissioned Roughs Tower, claimed to be a sovereign state by Paddy Roy Bates and his associates since 1967. 
Micronation: A small entity that claims to be an independent nation or sovereign state but is not recognized by world governments or major international organizations. 
Roughs Tower: A Maunsell Sea Fort built by the British during World War II, later occupied by Paddy Roy Bates and declared as the Principality of Sealand. 
Maunsell Sea Forts: Offshore fortified towers built by the British during World War II to defend against German naval and aerial attacks. 
Territorial waters: The area of sea around a country's coast recognized as being under that country's jurisdiction, extending up to 12 nautical miles from the baseline according to international law.

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Find out more about one of the other micronations on this map.

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Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

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Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

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Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 29 - Open vraag

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.