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3HV classes 1 and 2 week 36
Planning 3H week 36 class 1
Lesson aims
Introduction materials P1 + warming up Stepping Stones U1
Working individually / in pairs
Checking your work
Social media profiles
1 / 29
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 3
In deze les zitten
29 slides
, met
interactieve quizzen
Lesduur is:
15 min
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Planning 3H week 36 class 1
Lesson aims
Introduction materials P1 + warming up Stepping Stones U1
Working individually / in pairs
Checking your work
Social media profiles
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
Lesson aims
I have learned a selection of difficult new words by the end of this class
I have practised pronouncing these difficult words in English
I have taken a look at the materials we'll be using in P1 for English
Slide 2 - Tekstslide
Introduction materials P1 + warming up Stepping Stones U1
Stepping Stones books + website
The study guide
Introduction U1 --> What topics will this Unit cover?
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Working individually/in pairs - 10 min
First do ex. 3 and 4 on your own or in pairs
Make sure to talk softly while working in pairs
Finished? Work on ex. 1 and 2. You will need earplugs to work on this task.
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Pronunciation practice
Let's pronounce the Theme Words of U1 together.
The teacher will be giving turns, so pay close attention!
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
Social media profiles
It's time to present yourselves!
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
Planning 3H week 36 class 2
Lesson aims
Warming up: The Fortune Teller
Grammar explanation: The Future tense
Working individually
Checking your answers
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
Lesson aims
Recap future tense knowledge from previous years
I can recognize (and apply) the different future tenses
- future with will
- future with to be going to
- future with present simple
- future with present continuous
Slide 8 - Tekstslide
Warming up: The Fortune Teller
Instructions (1x listening):
After listening the teacher will
ask you some questions about
the video.
Slide 9 - Tekstslide
The future: 4 forms
Be going to
--> I
am going to watch
a movie
with my parents after this.
Will + hele ww
--> Oh wait, I
will help
Present Continuous
--> I
am flying
to Bali this time next year.
Present Simple
--> The plane
at half past seven.
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Be going to + hele ww
Full form: am/is/are + going to + hele ww
1.1 Een beslissing die je al eerder gemaakt hebt.
Julie: There's no milk.
John: I know. I
'm going to get
some when this TV programme finishes.
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Be going to + hele ww
1.2 Toekomstige plannen.
Next summer I
am going to spend
a week in Brazil.
1.3 Een voorspelling gebaseerd op bewijs.
In the year 2016:
The Republicans
are going to win
the US presidential election. They already have most of the votes.
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
Will + hele ww
Full form: will + hele ww
2.1 Een beslissing die je
op dat moment
Julie: There's no milk.
John: Really? In that case, I
'll go
and get some.
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Will + hele ww
2.2 Een voorspelling zonder bewijs (gebaseerd op mening)
the Democrats
will win
the next election.
2.3 Een toekomstig feit
The sun
will rise
Slide 14 - Tekstslide
Will + hele ww
2.4 Belofte / iets aanbieden, aankondigen, besluit
I promise I
will help
will be
the best party ever!
Slide 15 - Tekstslide
Present Continuous
Full form: am/is/are + ww + ing
Toekomstige plannen waarvan datum/plek al vaststaat.
'm meeting
Jim at the airport. (met Jim besproken)
am leaving
tomorrow. (kaartje al gekocht)
're having
a class meeting on Monday. (al geïnformeerd hierover)
Slide 16 - Tekstslide
Present Simple
Om te praten over vaste schema's (aankomst- en vertrektijden, begin- en eindtijden)
The train
at eight.
Our plane
in half an hour.
at half past eight a.m.
Slide 17 - Tekstslide
Slide 18 - Link
Working individually, 10 min
- Do ex 24 and 25 of Unit 1
- Question? Ask a classmate first, then ask the teacher.
- Afterwards work on Reading practice Unit 1: ‘The greatest music festival’ (+ do ex. 5 t/m 7) – check in week 37
Slide 19 - Tekstslide
On Sunday at 8 p.m. all the shops (close).
Slide 20 - Open vraag
Recap: Future tense (quiz!)
9 questions - Enter the code to join the quiz.
Make sure you actively use whatever knowledge you have about the future tense already.
It is okay to make mistakes, just do your best
Slide 21 - Tekstslide
They (to drive) to New York tomorrow morning. The trip has already been planned.
Slide 22 - Open vraag
I hope the weather (to be) nice.
Slide 23 - Open vraag
Take your umbrella with you. It (to rain).
Slide 24 - Open vraag
I offered him this job. I think he (to take) it.
Slide 25 - Open vraag
They (to fly) to Seattle next summer holidays.
Slide 26 - Open vraag
They (to play) cards this evening. They already booked a room.
Slide 27 - Open vraag
I (to invite) 50 people to the party and I hope everyone (to come).
Slide 28 - Open vraag
Look at the clouds - it (to rain) in a few minutes.
Slide 29 - Open vraag
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