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Theme 1 Test Preparation
Be-leaf in yourself!
I grow on a vine, I start out green, but I turn orange. I can be very heavy. What am I?
1 / 22
Slide 1:
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 3
In deze les zitten
22 slides
, met
interactieve quizzen
Lesduur is:
45 min
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Onderdelen in deze les
Be-leaf in yourself!
I grow on a vine, I start out green, but I turn orange. I can be very heavy. What am I?
Slide 1 - Tekstslide
How do you feel today? Why?
Slide 2 - Poll
Prepare for your test
Theme 1
- Vocab
- Grammar
- Stones
You need your notebook or Google docs.
Slide 3 - Tekstslide
Slide 4 - Tekstslide
Slide 5 - Tekstslide
English > Dutch Dutch > English
to cherish .................... makker, kameraad ..................
reduction ................... volbrengen .........................
particular ....................... aanwijzing ..........................
to be eager ....................... deelnemer ...............
Slide 6 - Tekstslide
English > Dutch Dutch > English
to cherish koesteren makker, kameraad mate
reduction korting volbrengen to accomplish
particular bepaald aanwijzing clue
to be eager graag willen deelnemer participant
Slide 7 - Tekstslide
As __________ of the world, we are all responsible for one another.
It takes approximately 365 and a quarter days for the earth ______________ the sun.
They're doing a _____ in Leeds tonight.
The ________ is expressed as a percentage.
to revolve around
Slide 8 - Sleepvraag
Maak een zin met de onderstaande woorden, waaruit de betekenis van de woorden blijkt.
to socialise / taste / disappointment
Slide 9 - Open vraag
Slide 10 - Tekstslide
Future forms
I going to buy a new pair of trousers this afternoon
> een plan/ voornemen
Look at the traffic! We're going to be late
> voorspelling op basis van zichtbaar/aanwezig bewijs
tell you more another time. I have to go now.
> belofte
I made up my mind. I will marry you.
> beslissing
I'm sure she
complain about it.
> voorspelling zonder zichtbaar /aanwezig bewijs
The ferry
at 8.30. AM tomorrow.
> vaste tijden/dienstregeling
am visiting
my dentist next week.
> een afspraak in de agenda
omtrent tijd en plek
Slide 11 - Tekstslide
Use the following clues to write correct sentences. Use the future.
1. The flight - New York - 10 minutes - leave - gate eighteen.
2. Mum - promised - make - tonight - my favourite dish.
3. Look - time - we - miss - the show.
4. My dentist - take care - my teeth - tomorrow.
Slide 12 - Tekstslide
Use the following clues to write correct sentences. Use the future.
1. The flight - New York - 10 minutes - leave - gate eighteen.
The flight to New York
at gate eighteen in 10 minutes.
2. Mum - promised - she- make - tonight - my favourite dish.
Mum promised that she
will make
my favourite dish tonight.
3. Look - time - we - miss - the show.
Look at the time. We
are going to miss
the show.
4. My dentist
is taking care
of my teeth tomorrow.
Slide 13 - Tekstslide
Modals (may, might, be allowed to)
may: mogen, toestemming hebben
might: zou mogen (nog beleefder)
be allowed to: toestemming hebben
volgens de regels
1. ................... we to park our car in this street?
2. .................. I have your daughter's hand in marriage?
3. .................. I borrow your laptop tomorrow?
Slide 14 - Tekstslide
Modals (may, might, be allowed to)
may: mogen, toestemming hebben
might: zou mogen (nog beleefder)
be allowed to: toestemming hebben
volgens de regels
1. ...
Are we allowed
................ we to park our car in this street?
2. ....
.............. I have your daughter's hand in marriage?
3. .....
............. I borrow your laptop tomorrow?
Slide 15 - Tekstslide
Short yes and no answers
1. Do you have a cat? No,............
2. Can you play the piano? Yes, .........
3. Have you done your homework? No,..........
4. Did you hear about Tom? Yes, ........
5. Must you clean your room today? No, ..........
Slide 16 - Tekstslide
Short yes and no answers
1. Do you have a cat? No, I don't.
2. Can you play the piano? Yes, I can
3. Have you done your homework? No, I haven't.
4. Did you hear about Tom? Yes, I did.
5. Must you clean your room today? No, I don't have to
No, I needn't
Slide 17 - Tekstslide
Slide 18 - Tekstslide
Translate these Dutch sentences correctly into English using the Stones from Theme 1.
1. Zou je vanavond met mij naar dit toneelstuk willen gaan? Helaas, ik ben niet in staat om te komen.
2. 2. We gaan kijken naar Engeland dat in Wembley speelt. Het zal spannend zijn. Mag ik foto’s maken op deze locatie?
Slide 19 - Tekstslide
Translate these Dutch sentences correctly into English using the stones from Theme 1.
1. Zou je vanavond met mij naar dit toneelstuk willen gaan? Helaas, ik ben niet in staat om te komen.
Would you like to go to this play with me tonight?
Unfortunately, I’m unable to make it.
2. We gaan kijken naar Engeland dat in Wembley speelt. Het zal spannend zijn. Mag ik foto’s maken op deze locatie?
We are going to watch England play at Wembley. It’ll be exciting.
May I take photos at this venue?
Slide 20 - Tekstslide
Are you prepared for the test?
Yes! I know everything by heart
Yes! I know most things.
I don't really know what I still have to do
No, I have studied a bit but I have to study more!
No, I haven't studied at all!
Slide 21 - Poll
The end
Slide 22 - Tekstslide
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