Suggested topics may include or use as a starting point:
The relationship between the truth and theatrical illusion, how illusion might reveal hidden truths in performance, the perpetuation of myths in drama.
The notion of truth and authenticity in documentary and verbatim theatre, and how theatre mediates the truth.
How the gap between reality, authenticity and the real are exploited by practitioners
How the creation of myths, mystification, tenuous truths, secrecy and plausibility are used by performance-makers
How theatre scholarship can present new ‘truths’ to counteract official, canonical or established ‘truths’
The role of rhetoric, manipulation, cognitive biases, emotional control in dramatic speech and the performance of politics
The impact of anti-semitism, racism, ableism and transphobia as it is spread through prejudice and conspiracy theories. Theatre’s resistance and/or complicity with these prejudices.
Plots, plotting, secrets and revelations, including in dramatic structure
Myth-making within theatre and performance practice, research and theatre history
Integrity in theatre and performance research and/or in theatre making