Preparing reading test 2019-I

Preparing reading test 2019-I
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Preparing reading test 2019-I

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Text 1: What is it about?

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Text 1: 
1) correct answer = "We already knew..." Because: they 'turn heads'
2) spokesdogs
= woordspeling. Honden kunnen niet praten, dus geen echte woordvoerder zijn.

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Text 2 Match title with letter 
  1. Read the titles (do you understand what they mean?
  2. Scan the letters.
Letter 1: e (over-dramatised, how much panic has cost)
Letter 2: a (warnings were necessary)
Letter 3: c (fallen trees, trackside growth in check)
Letter 4: b (delivered like every other day)

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Text 3: 
  1. Read the characterisations of question 4.
  2. Which are positive? Which are negative?
  3. Look up words you don't know.
  4. Read text 3.
Key words: rightfully warned, but disappointing. = a 
5) Belang? Hij werkt voor de game-industrie. (antwoordt in NL)

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Text 4, question 6
  1. Read the statements of question 6.
  2. Look up words you don't know.
  3. Read just paragraph 1.
Key words: grisly business = causing horror or disgust = B

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Text 4, question 7
Drie verschillende manieren om vraag te verminderen.
Beantwoorden in het Nederlands.
Niet meer dan drie.
1 punt per goed antwoord.
Scan the text so you know where to read closely.
  • unmarketing campagnes over de ineffectiviteit van hoorns bij ziektes etc.
  • hoorns van neushoorns worden ingespoten met giftige stoffen
  • verkoop van synthetische hoorns

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Text 4, question 8
Main function of paragraph 4:
Read the statements - what do they mean?
Mark/underline important words. 
What do you think the answer is? (you have already scanned the text)

Poacher incursions (=attacks) dropped, so it is effective.
Correct answer is C

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Text 4, question 9
Tone of the text. Strategy: which are definitely not correct?
Up until paragraph 5:
Factual (many numbers, not much figurative speech).
(so not playful)
But: in paragraph 6: another obstacle: South Africa wants legal trade to earn money. (so not reassuring)
So, A or D. But 'it is telling', so not surprising.
Correct answer: A = critical

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Text 5, question 10
Strategy: Read the statements. Look up words you don't know and write down the meaning.Scan the text. 
1. wel (probably would not have time for such things)
2. niet (their homes, 40 miles apart & both their families)
3. niet (winter coats not attractive)
4. niet 
5. niet 
11) Why did they study? D = suitable partner
"Like the sorority girls, they were enrolled here to find somebody to marry."

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Text 6 Gap question 12`
Read the four words (do you know what they mean?) arbitrary, controversial, obsolete, practical
Read carefully before and after the gap.
What would you fill in yourself?
Choose which is most like your own idea.
Check it by reading the two sentences in your head. Does it make sense?
Correct answer: C arbitrary (you can't read...)

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Text 6 Gap questions 13
  • Read the four words (do you know what they mean?) annoying, astonishing, convenient, reassuring
  • Read carefully before and after the gap.
  • What would you fill in yourself?
  • Choose which is most like your own idea.
  • Check it by reading the two sentences in your head. Does it make sense?
Correct answer: B (Huh? - surprise! Sometimes you have to read more to find the answer: paragraph 4 helps you)

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Text 6 (14 & 15)
14) In line with what is said in paragraph 4. 
Strategy: read the paragraph and try to summarise it in your own words. Then find the answer that fits.
The sound 'Huh' is like sneezing, but you have to learn how to use it. So: C.
15) 'This is what's going on here'.
Strategy: read paragraph 6, what does 'this' refer to in your own words? Read the possible answers. Which fits best? 
Adaptations to the same environmental conditions = convergent evolution: C

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Text 6 & 7
16 B (mostly in paragraph 6: correcting miscommunication)

17 B Strategy: read the line, where does 'such a project' refer to? cult Japanese science-fiction comic for a Western audience (mainstream).  
18 acteurskeuze: wat vindt hij? in alinea 2: white washing... But that is not his opinion. "feels benign (kind) to me - even progressive' = alinea 3
19 prominent minority figures = actors. Scan the text for these names:
Jon Tsuei - niet (writer)
Christian Blauvelt - niet (writer of

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Text 6 & 7
20. Main point: Scan the text. In your own words? Type casting is not good.
Answer: C.
21. Gap: disrupts (negative), exploits (negative), glorifies (positive).
disrupts (turns it around)
22. Relation between two paragraphs: Read both paragraphs, summarise them. Key word: Yet... indicates a 'but' = different perspective. (C)

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Text 7 Gap question 23
  • Read the four words (do you know what they mean?) blurring, crossing, mocking, reinforcing
  • Read carefully before and after the gap.
  • What would you fill in yourself? (stressing)
  • Choose which is most like your own idea.
  • Check it by reading the two sentences in your head. Does it make sense?
D: reinforcing: stereotypes to define us by our race

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Text 7, question 24
What does Yo Zushi see as the real problem?
(If questions seem difficult, try to rephrase it with your own words!)

If you have scanned the whole text and read the final paragraph carefully you can formulate it as: race does not define a person. In casting someone's race (or colour) is not the most important . 
Answer: E Race is fetished/core component.

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Do texts 8 - 13 by yourself.

If you want to practise reading in a different way:
Choose a WaspReporter text that you like and do the assignments.

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