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Year 6 to Year 7 Transition: Scheme of Work

A lesson plan by LessonUp Inspiration

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This set of six lessons has been designed to support Year Six pupils as they begin to think about their move to Secondary Education. The content has been designed to support both pastoral care (with a focus on wellbeing and positive mental health) and some of the more practical matters that affect this group (timetabling, walking to schoolnetc). 

The slides are fully adaptable, so can easily be changed to suit your school's unique context. 

The lessons link directly to the PSHE Association's Programme of Study for KS1-5 and can compliment  your existing PSHE programme, as well as the transition resources provided by your feeder secondaries.

Important note for teachers: Some of the slides require you to insert an image or example specific to your specific school or trust - this is to allow your pupils to have real practical examples applicable to them, hopefully making the transition process more seamless. For example, a timetable for lesson 3. 

Lesson 1

'All About Me'

In this session, pupils will explore the things that they currently enjoy about their Primary School experience and will consider some of their thoughts about the transition to Secondary School.

This lesson links to the PSHE Association programme of study (KS1-5):
H24. problem-solving strategies for dealing with emotions, challenges and change,
including the transition to new schools
H27. to recognise their individuality and personal qualities
H28. to identify personal strengths, skills, achievements and interests and how
these contribute to a sense of self-worth
H36. strategies to manage transitions between classes and key stages

Lesson 2

'Worries, Worries, Worries'
We look at how children can manage some of the big feelings that they have around change in this session. Children will write a message to their future self, as well as learn some calming techniques to use when things are feeling tricky.

This lesson links to the PSHE Association programme of study (KS1-5):
H15. that mental health, just like physical health, is part of daily life; the importance of taking care of mental health
H16. about strategies and behaviours that support mental health — including how good quality sleep, physical exercise/time outdoors, being involved in community groups, doing things for others, clubs, and activities, hobbies and spending time with family and friends can support mental health and wellbeing
H24. problem-solving strategies for dealing with emotions, challenges and change, including the transition to new schools

Lesson 3

'Being Independent'
This session looks specifically at some of the routines that are expected of a Year Seven pupil and how children can help themselves to get ready. We also take a look at school uniform.

This lesson links to the PSHE Association programme of study (KS1-5):
H41. strategies for keeping safe in the local environment or unfamiliar places (rail,
water, road) and firework safety; safe use of digital devices when out and about

Lesson 4

'Feeling Good about Being Good'
We are looking at behaviour for learning in this session. What sort of behaviours help us to learn and what might affect our learning. We will also look at sanctions, explain what is meant by 'detention'.

This lesson links to the PSHE Association programme of study (KS1-5):

R30. that personal behaviour can affect other people; to recognise and model respectful behaviour online
R31. to recognise the importance of self-respect and how this can affect their thoughts and feelings about themselves; that everyone, including them, should expect to be treated politely and with respect by others (including when online and/or anonymous) in school and in wider society; strategies to improve or support courteous, respectful relationships

Lesson 5

'Mobile Phone Safety'
This might be the first time that some children have been to have access to a mobile phone. In this session, we look at the benefits of having your own phone, some of the apps that young people frequently use and how to recognise inappropriate mobile phone usage.

This lesson links to the PSHE Association programme of study (KS1-5):
H41. strategies for keeping safe in the local environment or unfamiliar places (rail, water, road) and firework safety; safe use of digital devices when out and about
H42. about the importance of keeping personal information private; strategies for keeping safe online, including how to manage requests for personal information or images of themselves and others; what to do if frightened or worried by something seen or read online and how to report concerns, inappropriate content and contact 
R24. how to respond safely and appropriately to adults they may encounter (in all contexts including online) whom they do not know
R29. where to get advice and report concerns if worried about their own or someone else’s personal safety (including online) 

Lesson 6

'Finding My Way'
We look at how students travel to their Secondary Schools in this session and take a look at a map of a school and investigate some of the different ways young people travel to their Secondary Schools. We also take a look at road safey.

This lesson links to the PSHE Association programme of study (KS1-5):

H41. strategies for keeping safe in the local environment or unfamiliar places (rail, water, road) and firework safety; safe use of digital devices when out and about