past simple and continuous

  • Phones in the bag, take out your note- and workbook +pen. You don't need your laptop so put it in your bag.
  • past simple & past continuous explanation
  •  doing the activities
  • checking the answers 
  •  irregular verbs last part 
  •  ending the lesson 
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 23 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

  • Phones in the bag, take out your note- and workbook +pen. You don't need your laptop so put it in your bag.
  • past simple & past continuous explanation
  •  doing the activities
  • checking the answers 
  •  irregular verbs last part 
  •  ending the lesson 

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goals van deze les:

- ik heb een gemaakte plattegrond en de leerlingen houden zich hieraan. iedereen zit volgens mijn plattegrond, maar mocht dat tijdens deze les niet goed gaan, verander ik het zo dat iedereen zit zoals ik dat wil en dit kan betekenen dat je naast iemand komt te zitten die jij niet had opgeschreven. 

- Ik praat zoveel mogelijk engels 
- ik noteer van iedereen die geen boek bij zich heeft> materiaal vergeten 
- wat is mijn escalatie ladder? hoe zorg ik ervoor dat het stil is. Als de leerlingen binnen zijn om 08:15, begin ik gelijk met mijn les, ik noteer nog niet wie er wel of niet zijn. Ik begin met praten en ik geef aan, okey im going to start with the explanation of the grammar for this part i need about 10 minutes of silence after that you are going to work on the activity. So if you have a question raise your hand and don't interrupt. Als iemand erdoorheen praat waarschuwing een geven je praat erdoorheen en ik vind dat vervelend. Ik geef Ladino en de meiden ook max 3 waarschuwingen en dan zet ik ze apart. Hetzelfde geldt voor Thijs. 2 waarschuwingen en anders mag hij ergens anders zitten . als hij zich daar ook niet goed concentreert plaats ik degene buiten het lokaal 
The goals of this lesson are....
- I can use different tenses to talk about the past.
- I know the irregular verbs of page 4 and their meanings. 

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Have a look at these sentences 
Present simple 

She wakes up at 7 am every day.
They dance during their free time.
I practice my painting skills a lot. 
The train leaves at 3 pm.
Present continuous 

She is working at the moment.
They are building a house.
I am running late for school.
It is 
Past simple 

She ....... at 7 am yesterday. 
The train ....... at 3 pm.
Past continuous 

She ........ yesterday.
They ......... a house for a while. 

If we look at the present simple and present continuous what do you think the past simple and past continuous could look like? 

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Have a look at these sentences 
Present simple 

She wakes up at 7 am every day.
They dance during their free time.
I practice my painting skills a lot. 
The train leaves at 3 pm.
Present continuous 

She is working at the moment.
They are building a house.
I am running late for school.
It is 
Past simple 

She woke up at 7 am yesterday. 
The train left at 3 pm.
Past continuous 

She was working yesterday.
They were building a house for a while. 

If we look at the present simple and present continuous what do you think the past simple and past continuous could look like? 

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Past simple

to talk about a completed action in a time before now.

We can make the past simple by using the whole verb and adding 'ed' at the end. 
> Yesterday Sophie worked very hard.

However, if a verb is irregular then the past simple may look different. (tweede rijtje)
> Yesterday the chickens laid eggs. (en dus niet layed) 
> We swam for over an hour today. (en dus niet swimed) 

LET OP! Bij negatieve en vraagzinnen veranderd het ww naar de tegenwoordige tijd. 
Pos.        They played a lot of games together when they were young.
Neg.       They didn't play a lot of games together when they were young. 
Quest.   Did they play a lot of games together when they were young?  

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Past continuous

an action was already in progress at a certain time in the past.

We can make the past continuous by:
using was/were + verb-ing
> It was raining a lot earlier. 

Pos.      We were studying when the phone rang.     
Neg.     We weren't studying when the phone rang.      
Quest.  Were we studying when the phone rang.              
To be
I was
You were
He/she/it was
They were

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past simple and past continuous 
the past continuous is mostly used in combination with the past simple
1. I was running for the bus when I dropped my phone.
2. Jack fell asleep while he was watching tv.
3. The postman came while we were having breakfast. 

Each of these sentences has one activity that lasted longer and one thing that happened during that activity. The activity that lasted longer = present continuous and the thing that happens during it= past simple. 

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Checking: complete the sentences with the past continuous form 
(was/were ww+ing)
1. He found some unusual plants while he was visiting (visit) Mexico.
2. They ____ (not listen) when the guide explained the dangers of eating wild plants.
3. What ____ (you , do) when you saw the avalanche? 
4. They ____ (swim) in the sea when they saw the shark.
5. ____ (it, rain) when you left home? 
6. Someone took my camera while I ___ (not look).

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1. He found some unusual plants while he was visiting (visit) Mexico.
2. They weren't listening when the guide explained the dangers of eating wild plants.
3. What were you doing when you saw the avalanche? 
4. They were swimming in the sea when they saw the shark.
5. Was it raining when you left home? 
6. Someone took my camera while I wasn't looking.

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Checking: complete the sentences with the past simple and past continuous. ( Tip: first think about which activity is the longest)
1. We saw (see) something strange in the sky while we were looking (look) at the stars.
2. The sun ____ (shine) when we ___ (arrive) at the beach.
3. While I ___ (wait) for the bus, I ___ (text) a few friends. 
4. Jenna ___ (cry) when I finally __ (find) her. 
5. We first ___ (hear) about the storm while we ___ (have) dinner. 
6. When I ____ (arrive) at Paula's house, she ___ (sit) outside in her garden.

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1. We saw (see) something strange in the sky while we were looking (look) at the stars.
2. The sun was shining when we arrived at the beach.
3. While I was waiting for the bus, I texted a few friends. 
4. Jenna was crying when I finally found her. 
5. We first heard about the storm while we were having dinner. 
6. When I arrived at Paula's house, she was sitting outside in her garden.

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Do the activity 
- Grab your workbook and your notebook.
- Go to page 26  grammar unit 2.4 
- Do the activities: 4 and 5 
- You have about 15 minutes after that we will check the answers. 

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checking the answers exercise 4
  1.  were eating, heard 
  2. started, were swimming
  3. when
  4. took, was traveling
  5. when
  6. fell, was skating

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Checking the answers exercise 5
  1.  was doing 
  2. had
  3. changed
  4. were walking
  5. were waiting
  6. heard

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Irregular verbs 
You can put away your work- and notebook. We'll continue with the rest of the irregular verbs of page 4. 

Let's see if you remember:
to sow - sowed - ..... = ?
to bear - ..... - ..... = (ver)dragen 
to rise - ....... -....... = stijgen, opstaan
to know - ........ - ....... = weten, kennen

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Irregular verbs 
You can put away your work- and notebook. We'll continue with the rest of the irregular verbs of page 4. 

Let's see if you remember:
to sow - sowed - sown = zaaien
to bear - bore - borne = (ver)dragen 
to rise - rose - risen = opstaan , stijgen
to know - knew - known = weten, kennen 

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For 1 minute have a look at these new verbs. After this you have to answer questions about them.

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What's the translation of 'to withdraw'?

Slide 18 - Quiz

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What are the missing words?

to lie - ..... - .....= liggen
lay - lain
laid - laid
lay - layed
laid - lain

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what are the missing words?

To shrink - ..... - .... = zinken

shrank - shrunk
shrinked - shrunk
schurk - shrunk
shrank - shrunken

Slide 20 - Quiz

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what's the translation of 'to forbid'

Slide 21 - Quiz

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What are the missing words?
to ____ - ___ - ____ = leggen

Slide 22 - Open question

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End of the class
- Homework for Monday: study both pages 3 and 4 of the irregular verbs. 
- pack your bags 
- Have a nice day!

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