Customer Service for Hospitality - Ivanhoe Hotel

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HospitalityHigher Education (non-degree)

This lesson contains 72 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 180 min

Items in this lesson

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By the end of the workshop you should be able to:

  • Understand the importance to the organisation in providing excellent customer service in the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industries
  • Understand the role of the individual in delivering customer service in the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industries
  • Understand the importance of customers’ needs and expectations in the hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism industries

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Session 1

Introduction to Customer Service

- What is service?
- Why is it important?
- Identifying customer needs.

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Session 2

Effective Communications

- Effective and ineffective communication skills
- Questioning and listening techniques

Session 1

Introduction to Customer Service

- What is service?
- Why is it important?
- Identifying customer needs.

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Session 3

Presenting a positive professional image

- First impressions
- Presenting a positive attitude and image
- Identifying and using appropriate body language

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Session 3

Presenting a positive professional image

- First impressions
- Presenting a positive attitude and image
- Identifying and using appropriate body language

Session 4

Handling customer complaints

- Why customers complain
- Resolving difficult customer situations
- Handling complaints positively 

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  • Who are we.

  • Who are you?
  • How long have you worked here?
  • Where else have you worked?

  • Walk of the premises

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Introduction To Customer Service
- What is service?
- Why is it important?
- Identifying customer needs.

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What is Service?

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Customer Service is all about:

  • Providing customers with what they want
  • Offering consistent levels of service
  • Staff – Product Knowledge
  • Exceeding and not just meeting expectations
  • Fulfilling all customer needs
  • Going out of your way to delight customers  

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Customer Service & Loyalty

  • Exceed the expectations of their customers 
  • Treat customers with respect
  • Do not just aim to satisfy – they aim to delight 
  • Provide solutions to problems
  • Consistently deliver outstanding service to their customers 
  • Make customers feel that they are the most important part of their business …… which they are 


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Why is Service important?

  • Intense competition
  • Customers have a choice
  • It is the only thing that can make us different from our competitors
  • Satisfied and delighted customers will come back – builds customer loyalty and repeat business
  • Results in recommendation to friends & family
  • Easier to sell to existing loyal customers 

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Why should a potential customer come here?

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The benefits to a customer service deliverer from providing customer service are:

  • Excellent relationships and rapport with the customer
  • Job satisfaction and motivation
  • More sales as the customer will return
  • Sales targets met and potential for bonuses or promotion
  • Job Security

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Colleagues are Customers Too:
who are your internal Customers?


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Customer Expectations and Building Loyalty
  • Expect the core service to meet their needs for price,quality value for money
  • Expect polite treatment at all times – even when they are being difficult
  • Need to see attention is being paid to their requests
  • Want to feel their needs are important
  • Do not want to hear “No” or “I do not know”
  • Want to feel secure in the knowledge that you have all the answers and solutions

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Q10 Q2b
Customer Expectations and Building Loyalty
  • Want mistakes admitted to and rectified
  • Expect promises that are made to be honoured
  • Expect to be treated with respect
  • Need to have time given to them for explanations
  • Need to know when a problem arises
  • Expect you to know about your job and your company
  • Expect you to be able to answer questions
  • Expect you to find solutions to their problems

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The Benefits of Product Knowledge to the Service Provider are:
  • Increased opportunity to upsell products and services
  • Meet products to match customer
  • Motivating
  • Increased sales/tips
  • Meet targets

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In groups, discuss what products/services you have available and can upsell?

Where is the opportunity to upsell each product/service?

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Organisation’s Expectations Customer Service Promise/Mission Statement/Charter:
Organisations expect you to:

  • Provide the organisation’s quality customer service
  • Consistently deliver service standards – Cleanliness
  • Meet standards laid down in standard manuals
  • Follow service procedures – provision of service
  • Meet legal standards related to the delivery of - Health & Safety, Hygiene and security of personal information
  • Project a positive image at all times when dealing with customers – conduct of staff

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Creating and Maintaining a Safe and Healthy Environment
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • Dealing with hazardous waste and substances
  • Hazardous materials
  • Noise pollution
  • Hygiene standards
  • Allergens
  • General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

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Employer Responsibilities for Health and Safety
Employers have specific duties under the 1974 act:

  • All systems must be safe
  • The working environment must be well lit, well ventilated, hygienic and at the appropriate temperature
  • All plant and equipment must be kept to the necessary standard

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Employee Responsibilities for Health and Safety
Under the 1974 act employees should:

  • Take reasonable care of him or herself and others
  • Allow the employer to carry out his or her duties in respect of creating a safe working environment
  • Not interfere intentionally or recklessly with any machinery or equipment

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Comfort Break

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Effective Communications
- Effective and ineffective communication skills

- Questioning and listening techniques

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Effective Communications

  • Increases quality of service
  • Saves time
  • Improves customer care
  • Avoids misunderstandings
  • Builds good relationships
  • Creates a positive atmosphere 
  • Encourages open discussion
  • Allows for achievement of goals

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Ineffective Communications

  • Hampers relationships
  • Wastes time
  • Affects customers and colleagues
  • Destroys morale
  • Creates a negative atmosphere
  • Builds a negative reputation
  • Hampers achievement of goals 

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How do you communicate effectively in your job?

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  • Look at people
  • Nod
  • Turn off negative thoughts
  • Ask questions
  • Lean towards people
  • Do not interrupt
  • Stick to the subject 

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Question Technique

Open Questions
Who? – What? – Why? – Where? – How? – When?

Closed Questions
Do you? - Are you? - Is it? - Have you?

Reflecting Questions
To summarise, check back and clarify

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Non-Verbal Techniques

  • Lets the customer know you are interested
  • Allows you to listen to customers’ feelings as well as their words
  • The moment a customer walks up to you, regardless of what you are doing, make immediate eye contact

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Facial Expressions

  • Facial expressions often show how you feel:
  • Smile if you are happy!
  • Frown if you are not!

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Combined Use Of Verbal and Non-verbal Communications

actual words

voice, tone, pitch, pace and quality

body language

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What percentage of communication is body language?

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Which technique involves asking open-ended questions?
Do you?
Is it?
Who? What? Why?

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What does effective communication improve?
Quality of service
Destroys morale
Wastes time
Customer care

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Presenting a positive professional image
- First impressions
- Presenting a positive attitude and image
- Identifying and using appropriate body language

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First Impressions

You never get a
second chance
to make a
first impression

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Attitudes – Who are you?

Someone who makes things happen?

Someone who watches things happen?

Someone who wonders what happened?

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Negative Thinking
I’m trying to do my paperwork lets hope he is dealt with soon

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Negative Thinking
I’m trying to do my paperwork lets hope he is dealt with soon
Oh no – it’s Mr Jones again

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Negative Thinking
I’m trying to do my paperwork lets hope he is dealt with soon
Oh no – it’s Mr Jones again
If I keep looking at the screen someone else can deal with him

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Negative Thinking
I’m trying to do my paperwork lets hope he is dealt with soon
Oh no – it’s Mr Jones again
If I keep looking at the screen someone else can deal with him
He can be so difficult and demanding

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Positive Thinking
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was like her

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Positive Thinking
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was like her
She’s always got a smile for everyone

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Positive Thinking
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was like her
She’s always got a smile for everyone
It’s a pleasure to deal with her

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Positive Thinking
Wouldn’t it be great if everyone was like her
She’s always got a smile for everyone
It’s a pleasure to deal with her
Oh - it’s Mrs Evans - haven’t seen her for a while

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Attitude and Behaviour

  • Professional
  •  Show understanding
  • Be patient

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Professional Image/First Impressions 

  • Neat & tidy personal presentation
  • Acknowledge
  • Smile
  • Helpful & willing
  • Friendly - welcoming - well mannered
  • Use names
  • Listen
  • Ask questions
  • Reassure them

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Take Responsibility for Helping the Customer and promoting excellent communication skills

  • Be enthusiastic
  • Be confident
  • Be welcoming
  • Be helpful & willing
  • Be polite
  • Show you care
  • Comply with hygiene, health and safety guidelines

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Projecting a Positive Image
  • Personal grooming and uniform standards
  • Your work area

Eye contact:
  • Look at people
  • Shows you are interested

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Projecting a Positive Image
Facial expressions:
  • Look positive
  • Look natural

Posture and gestures:
  • What impression are they creating?

Personal space:
How comfortable are you?

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Negative Messages

  • Do not like your work
  • Are stressed
  • Are not friendly
  • Do not show respect for other people
  • Do not want to help - when you do help, you do so reluctantly

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Special requirements a customer may have:

  • None English Speaker
  • Confused/Elderly
  • Hearing Impaired
  • Mobility Impaired
  • Blind/Visually Impaired

How would you communicate with each of these types of customers? Discuss 

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Q7 & Q8
Handling customer complaints
Why customers complain
- Resolving difficult customer situations
- Handling complaints positively 

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Handling Complaints

What are they?
An opportunity to:
  • Make things right
  • Turn dissatisfied customers into delighted customers
  • Show you care
  • Turn complainers into ambassadors

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Calming Customers

Actively show you are listening

Show that you do care and are concerned

Agreeing on Common Ground
Find something to agree with

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Why would customers complain?

  • Slow service
  • Negative staff attitude
  • Poor quality of product/service
  • Overcharging/price not as expected
  • Poor cleanliness of facilities
  • Lack of availability of product or service

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Recognising Verbal and Non-Verbal Complaints

Not all complaints are spoken—some are non-verbal.
Verbal Complaints:
  • Directly mentioning an issue.
  • Asking for a manager.
Non-Verbal Signs of Discomfort:
  • Customers looking around impatiently.
  • Pushing food or drinks away.
  • Whispering or appearing frustrated.

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Reading Customer Body Language

Happy Customers:
  • Open body language, relaxed shoulders.
  • Smiling and engaging with staff.

Unhappy Customers:
  • Folded arms or tense posture.
  • Short responses, avoiding eye contact.
  • Fidgeting or checking their watch/phone frequently.

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Handling Complaints

  • Listen - acknowledge - 
  • “I understand, and I’m really sorry about that.

  • Apologise - for inconvenience

  • Solve – prompt attention, investigate, resolve
  • “Let me fix this right away for you.”

  •  Thank
  • Check back to ensure the issue is fully resolved.

  •  Make the most of your LAST chance!

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Spot & Solve Activity

Objective: Learn to identify early signs of customer service issues and develop proactive solutions.

Activity Structure:
- Small group discussions on real-world scenarios.
- Identify the issue, warning signs, and solutions.
- Share findings with the group.

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Spot & Solve Activity

Step 1: Form Small Groups (3-5 people per group, sort by work area e.g. Restaurant, Bar, Reception, Room Service, Housekeeping etc)
Step 2: Assign a Scenario
Step 3: Discuss & Solve:
- What is the issue?
- What are the warning signs? (Verbal & Non-Verbal)
- How can you prevent or resolve it?
Step 4: Present Back to the Group

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Food & Beverage Scenarios:

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Reception Scenarios:

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Housekeeping Scenarios:

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Reasons organisations need to know about complaints

  • In order to rectify the matter
  • To improve product and service quality
  • To try and avoid losing the customer
  • To see where staff are not performing as expected
  • To make improvements to the service or product

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Handling complaints:
Did you know………?
  • 96% of dissatisfied customers do not go back and complain
  • But they do tell 7 other people how bad you are
  • 13% will tell at least 20 others
  • 90% will never return
  • What would the consequences of a customer putting this on social media be!
  • It probably costs 5 times as much to attract a new customer as it does to keep an existing one.

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What are your key takeaways from this course?

What small change will you make in your customer service behaviour?

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Further Opportunities:
If you are interested in further courses with Belfast MET speak to Michael or Ryan.

We offer fully funded Hospitality Apprenticeships:

- Level 2 - Range of courses
- Level 3 Supervision and Leadership
- Level 3 ILM Leadership and Management

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