U4L5.3 Writing week 10.3 2025

Routine week 10.3
  • Toilet & waterfles
  • Telefoons thuis/kluis
  • Laptops op tafel opstarten
  • Boek, Agenda en etui op tafel
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 10 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Routine week 10.3
  • Toilet & waterfles
  • Telefoons thuis/kluis
  • Laptops op tafel opstarten
  • Boek, Agenda en etui op tafel

Slide 1 - Slide

U4L5.3 Writing

Slide 2 - Slide


  • I know the words of Unit 4L2-3-4-5 by heart
  • I know the expressions of L3 & L5 by heart
  • I can use listening/reading strategies in order to answer questions about what I have heard/read
  • I know how and when to use the Past Simple vs Past Cont and The Past Perfect.  (Revision Lesson 2-4)
  • I know how and when to use the 1st and 2nd Conditional
  • I know the irregular verbs 46-60 by heart

Slide 3 - Slide

Homework for 3rd lesson this week
  • Check!!!!
  • Study Irregular verbs 46-60
  • Study PaS vs PaC
  • Study PaP (past perfect)
  • Study Expressions U4L3-5
  • Ex: 2-8 Voca (online)
  • Ex: 6-7 Grammar (online)
Third Lesson: M3B & M3C Thursday
                          M3E Wednesday

Slide 4 - Slide

Lessonplan U4L5
  • Practice for your test next week
  • Practice Reading (eindexamensite.nl)
  • Practice Listening in Woots (week 12) 
  • Digitaal materiaal

Slide 5 - Slide

The Past Simple (PaS) & The Past Continuous (PaC) 

Slide 7 - Slide

Past Simple PaS (vt)
* - ed of 2e rijtje onregelmatige werkwoorden
* Er staat een VT-bepaling in de zin (yesterday - last week)

I broke my leg yesterday.
I learned to cook when I was young.
Past Continuous (PaC) (vt)
To be + ww + ing
(am - is - are)(was & were)
* was  iets "aan het" doen 
* was  je aan het ergeren

I was walking to school when I saw John.

Slide 8 - Slide

Conditional clauses
  • What is a condition?
  • Take notes 
  • 1st conditionl (4.12-5.14)
  • 2nd conditional (5.55-7.19)

Slide 9 - Slide

1st Conditional

if   + Present Simple,
will + hele ww
2nd Conditional

if + Past Simple,
would + hele ww

Slide 10 - Slide