Groep 8 - emotions

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsBasisschoolGroep 8

This lesson contains 11 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson


Slide 1 - Slide

Planning of today:
  •  a short video & a question
  • examples of emotions
  • exercise (in pairs)
  • drawing exercise (worksheet)
  • video & questions (worksheet)
  • song "happy" exercise
  • enough time: quiz (on laptops!)

Slide 2 - Slide

Today you will learn:
- to expand your English vocabulary with words 
   related to emotions.
- to describe how you are feeling today.

Slide 3 - Slide

Slide 4 - Slide

Slide 5 - Slide

Which primary emotions did you notice in the video?


Slide 6 - Slide

Primary emotions

                    happy      sad           angry    surprised    scared     disgusted


Slide 7 - Slide

How do you feel?
I feel happy because someone said that I look nice today.
I am a bit sad because my dog is sick.
I feel disgusted because I stepped in dog poop.
I am angry because someone stole my bike. 


Slide 8 - Slide

Now your turn! (in pairs)

I am ... because ...

I feel ... because ...

Slide 9 - Slide

How are you feeling right now?

Slide 10 - Slide

You have learned:
- You have expanded your English vocabulary with words related to 

- You can describe how you are feeling.

Slide 11 - Slide