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Mondeling 3M Job interview
All about preparing for your oral test.
First: Short intro, explanation + handing out folders.
60 minutes of working in pairs, asking questions etc.
15 minutes rounding off together.
I am prepared for my oral test in the test week.
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 3
This lesson contains
12 slides
, with
text slides
2 videos
Lesson duration is:
45 min
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Items in this lesson
All about preparing for your oral test.
First: Short intro, explanation + handing out folders.
60 minutes of working in pairs, asking questions etc.
15 minutes rounding off together.
I am prepared for my oral test in the test week.
Slide 1 - Slide
Slide 2 - Video
Assignment in pairs
Maak een voorblad: Naam bedrijf, wat verkopen ze (en eigen namen)
Maak een vacature (wat voor personeel vraagt het bedrijf)
Verdeel de rollen. (als je partner afwezig is beslis jij en werk je vandaag helaas alleen aan de opdracht)
Sollicitant maakt 10 vragen, bedrijf maakt 10 vragen.
Al het bovenstaande komt in je mapje (
inleveren 16 juni
Oefen je gesprek en hou de tijd bij. (10 min)
Vragen? Hele lesuur de tijd! 14:00 wil ik zien/horen hoe ver je bent!
Slide 3 - Slide
Front page example
Slide 4 - Slide
Example front page (car company)
Slide 5 - Slide
Example advertisement
Slide 6 - Slide
First decide who is the applicant and who is the employer and decide on the company you are presenting/applying for.
Then work on your file and hand in on 16 June!
Google and chapter 5 are great resources for your questions! Ask open questions, so no yes/no questions.
Practise your conversation with a timer/stopwatch.
Make a copy of your questions, you are allowed to bring them to the test.
Assignment can be found in Teams and in your binder!
Slide 7 - Slide
Get to work!
Sit with your partner and work on the file, then think of 10 questions each and start practising!
File has to be handed in complete on 16 June.
Next week: NO English, so just one lesson left after this one to prepare!
I will be here to help. At the end of this class I want to know how far you've come today. Good luck!
Slide 8 - Slide
End of class
Each pair: How far have you come today? Any questions or difficulties?
One lesson left to practise, be aware of that.
Enjoy your long weekend and I will see you in two weeks.
Slide 9 - Slide
Slide 10 - Video
Enquête over mijn lessen :) (Teamstegel Engels)
Laatste les om je mapje klaar te maken voor MO.
Vrijdag vóór begin van de les ingeleverd!
Taken verdelen, vragen bedenken, gesprek oefenen (met timer) etc.
Aan het eind van de les ben ik voorbereid voor mijn mondeling.
Slide 11 - Slide
End of class
Hoever ben je met je mapje? Kun je het vrijdag compleet inleveren?
Slide 12 - Slide
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