Differentiëren in LessonUp

in LessonUp
What does differentiation mean in LessonUp and how do I implement it?
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This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

in LessonUp
What does differentiation mean in LessonUp and how do I implement it?

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Differentiation can be done in various ways. Here, we explain more about how it works in LessonUp.

  • What is differentiation?
  • In what ways can you, as a teacher, differentiate in LessonUp?
  • Examples of differentiation with LessonUp:
    - Differentiation based on pace/time
    - Differentiation based on instruction
    - Differentiation based on objectives

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What is differentiation?
"Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs." 

An ideal concept that every teacher would support. In practice, it can be challenging due to factors like large class sizes, time constraints, classroom management, lesson preparations, and so on.

However, with small adjustments, you can apply differentiation in your lessons. Students become calmer and perform better when their needs are met. And this doesn't necessarily require extra time; in fact, in the long run, it saves a lot of time and energy.

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In what ways can you, as a teacher, differentiate?
As a teacher, you can easily create different variations of one basic lesson and share them with different students. Since you also receive reports on your lessons, you can see exactly how students are performing and continuously adjust your lessons to meet the needs of your students.

Differentiation can be done in various ways:
  • Differentiation based on instruction.
  • Differentiation based on content.
  • Differentiation based on pace/time.
  • Differentiation based on objectives.
  • Differentiation based on assessment.
  • Differentiation based on grading.

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How does differentiation
work in LessonUp?
  1. Open a lesson and create a few slides.
  2. On the left side, you will see your slide overview.
    Click on the bottom icon to the right of a slide.
  3. Click on "Settings."
  4. Set your color palette.
  5. Click "OK."
  6. Choose the color/differentiation goal for that slide.

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Three examples of
differentiating with LessonUp

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Differentiation based on objectives
It is essential to specify the learning objectives of a lesson. You can offer differentiated learning objectives by formulating specific objectives for each level or within a level.

A good option is to use color codes:
  • Green: You understand...
  • Blue: You can explain...
  • Red: You can provide another example...

The color codes correspond to the color codes as they are offered in LessonUp through the "Differentiation" button and the icon on the right side of the thumbnails of the lesson components.


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Differentiation based on pace/time
Students have different learning paces. Therefore, it is essential to cater to the amount of time students need to process the lesson content. Within the lesson, this can be achieved, for example, by not assigning the same amount of tasks to everyone.

With LessonUp, it is possible to prepare extra practice materials for specific students using the color palette. Students see your color palette, its meaning, and the color assigned to each lesson component in their app. This way, they know what they need to work on.

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Based on instruction
The phase of the lesson where you provide explanations is highly suitable for applying differentiation. It means that not everyone receives the same (length of) instruction. There are always students who need less of your explanation, while there are also students who need more explanation.

It is possible to divide your class into, for example, two or three groups. Group 1 can work independently right away, Group 2 receives regular instruction, and Group 3 receives extended instruction in addition to the regular one.

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Distributing different lessons to students
Instead of differentiating through the color palette, you can also create different lessons and share them with different students. How do you do that?

  1. Create a basic lesson.
  2. Duplicate this lesson 1, 2, or 3 times.
  3. Make adjustments in each duplicated version.
  4. Click on "Share with students."
  5. Choose the class with whom you want to share this lesson.
  6. Select students in Step 3 and choose the students for whom this lesson applies in Step 4.

Note ⚠️: To achieve this, you must have already created a class where the students have already enrolled.

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There is no right or wrong way when it comes to differentiation. 
In all cases, as a teacher, you want to cater to the differences in the learning needs of the students. 
And that's ultimately why you want/need to differentiate.

Differentiation in LessonUp is only possible with
a trial subscription, pro subscription, and school subscription.

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