4V Les 1 - Introduction, short stories & Literary devices

4V Les 1 - Introduction, short stories & Literary devices
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 4

This lesson contains 29 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 100 min

Items in this lesson

4V Les 1 - Introduction, short stories & Literary devices

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Today we will:
  • Get to know the teachers
  • Know what is expected of us this coming period AND have a good idea of what the year will contain
  • Start on the Short Stories & Literary analysis Project 

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Plan for this lesson:
Hour 1:
  • introduction Petronella and Barbara
  • Discuss Class Rules
  • Overview of Period 1 and how the year is organised
  • Tools uitleggen: LessonUp, Woots, Quizlet etc
  • If we have time: practicing in Woots for the leesv. exam

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Plan for this lesson:
Hour 2:
  • 15 min English reading time - Lamb to the Slaughter
  • Intro short stories & literary terms
  • Explain Literary Terms project
  • Example of a lesson by Barbara
  • Dividing up the groups and the Literary Device topics

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Petronella van der Weide
  • 35 jaar
  • Werkt al 5 jaar bij het MLO
  • Woont in Amsterdam ZO
  • Dol op muziek en huisjes renoveren

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Barbara Dashorst
  • 44 jaar
  • Werkt al 2 jaar bij het MLO
  • ook in Amsterdam
  • Naast leraar ook coach & examen Assessor bij ROC
  • Dol op hond, breien en ook huisjes inrichten:)

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Planning Periode 1!
Topic: Short Stories & Literary Analysis terms
SE 1 - in the week of 2 dec
AND Examen Idioom for vocab

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Examen idioom toets
Feedback op presentaties
Leesvaardigheid oud examen
Lit. Terms presentatie

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How many books are we reading this year?
Period 1 - Short Stories
Period 2 - Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close ALL TOGETHER
Period 3 - Literary Portfolio about a chosen book
Period 4 - Book presentation = SE4

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  • Examen Idioom book
  • Syllabus on Magister
  • LessonUp
  • Woots
  • Quizlet 

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What are our class rules?

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Have break - 5 min

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First Short Story:
  • Read Lamb to the slaughter

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What is "plot"? (English please)

Slide 15 - Open question

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Plot is what happens in a story and how these things are told.

Most stories have the same structure.

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The Classic Story ARCH

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Freytag's Pyramid

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The arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.

Flashbacks interrupt the chronological order of the main narrative to take a reader back in time to the past events in a character’s life.

Flashforward is a literary device in which the plot goes ahead of time

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Exposition in Lamb to the Slaughter
> the start of the story
> the protagonist is introduced
> the (main/first) setting is described
> something happens

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Rising Action
> events unfold

> things happen

> more problems

> more exciting

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> most exciting

> problems at max

> can't stop reading/ playing/watching

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Falling Action
> main problem is solved

> other (minor) problems are resolved

> questions are answered

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The they-lived-happily-
ever-after-stage... or did they?

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Plot is...
Events that make up a story
The exploding part of story/ turning point of story
setting and characters
the solution to the problem

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What points can be seen as the climax of this story.
Patrick being murdered
The police giving their estimation about the murder weapon and that it is still in the house.
The detectives eating the murder weapon.
Mary calling the police to report her husband's murder.

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In order to understand what happens after the climax, one must first be able to pinpoint the point of maximum tension in the story. In the case of "Lamb to the Slaughter," there are in some ways two climaxes. The first of these is at the point in which Mary attacks her husband and kills him. This is the culmination of everything that has happened to this point in the story. The story then pulls back and allows the action to fall.
• The second and main climax of the story occurs when the detective notices that the oven is still on with the leg of lamb cooking. This is the point at which the detectives are closest to discovering the murder weapon and Mary has to keep from being caught. The conflict then begins to rise again as she creates an alibi and brings in the police to catch the murderer.

Feedback for Barbara?

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Next week:
  • Test Leesvaardigheid exam in the first hour
  • More short stories to read
  • One more example lesson  about plot & Story arch

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