OP Unit 5 The Consumer Society

OP unit 5: The consumer society
Objectives:         Listening:  Documentary consumer behaviour
                                 Speaking:  Discussing impact consumer society
                                 Writing:       Summarising and formulating opinion
                                 Grammar:   Nouns review
                                 Reading:     CPE reading and Use of English part 1 and 2

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 10 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

OP unit 5: The consumer society
Objectives:         Listening:  Documentary consumer behaviour
                                 Speaking:  Discussing impact consumer society
                                 Writing:       Summarising and formulating opinion
                                 Grammar:   Nouns review
                                 Reading:     CPE reading and Use of English part 1 and 2

Slide 1 - Slide

Don't you just love shopping?

Slide 2 - Slide

... and having nice dinners?

Slide 3 - Slide

 .. and travelling?

Slide 4 - Slide

What do you think we're looking at here?

Slide 5 - Slide

Consumer spending is one of the most important driving forces for global economic growth. (World Economic Forum, n.d.)

  • Have you ever felt (slightly) quilty when buying a new item? Explain. When? Why?
  • Have you ever felt (slightly) guilty when travelling? Explain. When? Why?
  • Have you ever felt (slightly) guilty when eating? Explain. When? Why?
  • Have you ever changed your consumer behaviour after reading or watching documentaries/news/debates, etc? 
  • Can you think of reasons why it is so hard to change our behaviour?

Slide 6 - Slide

Assignment: The story of stuff

  • Go to the next link and choose a video: https://www.storyofstuff.org/movies/

  • Write a summary of the video you watched, voice your opinion of this video and add this to the next slide.

Slide 7 - Slide

Write a summary of the video you watched and voice your opinion of this video below.

Slide 8 - Open question

Unit 5
All exercises of pages 43 – 45. 
Grammar of nouns review (p. 181).
Reading into writing: ex. 3 -6 (p. 47)
Do exam folder 3

Don't forget to study the exam vocabulary!

Units 1 and 11

Slide 9 - Slide

English idioms having to do with food
To sweeten the pill: to make an unpleasant thing less difficult to accept or deal with.
To put all eggs in one basket: to depend for your success on a single person or plan of action.
To have egg on your face: to be very embarrassed because of something you said or did.
To have bigger fish to fry: To have more important or more interesting things to do or attend to.
To eat humble pie : informal: to admit that one was wrong or accept that one has been defeated.
To spill the beans: disclose a secret or reveal something prematurely
To have a lot on one's plate: have a lot of work to do or a lot of things to deal with.
To sell like hot cakes: to be bought quickly and in large numbers.
Icing on the cake: something extra that makes a good thing even better 
Take smth with a grain of salt: regard something as exaggerated; believe only part of something.

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