Mastering Your Speaking Exam: Analyzing and Preparing Based on WR Text

Mastering Your Speaking Exam:  Preparing Based on Wasp Reporter Texts
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This lesson contains 29 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Mastering Your Speaking Exam:  Preparing Based on Wasp Reporter Texts

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Week 4, Lesson 2
Speaking -Wasp Reporter
Learning targets :  By the end of this term, you will be able to  prepare for  the Speaking exam by:
• Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
• Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter -  Lying chatbots
• Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
• Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
• Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to Improve your performance


Je zei:
in Dutch please was aanwezig tijdens de KWT uur en haar werk gemakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis.
ChatGPT zei:
"Was aanwezig tijdens het KWT-uur en heeft haar werk gemaakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis."

Je zei:
Please check: Submit the questions & answers of the work you did in class ( per group)
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is clear, but here's a slightly refined version for clarity:

"Submit the questions and answers from the work your group did in class."

Je zei:
Please check the sentence: Which stylistic devices do you know of?
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is correct. However, here's a slightly more formal alternative:

"Which stylistic devices are you familiar with?"

Je zei:
Please write a learning target for the following: Introduction to the Speaking exam

In this third term you will not only have to take a Literature exam, but also a Speaking exam. You will prepare yourself for this exam by following the steps in this syllabus, practising in and outside of class, and learning from the feedback you receive from both your teacher and peers.

The Speaking exam is taken in pairs*, lasts for 15 minutes and consists of two parts:
1. Talking about an article from Wasp Reporter (7 minutes)
Each candidate gets two minutes to present the article (so 4 minutes altogether), followed by a round of questions from the examiner for both of you (i.e. another 3 minutes).
2. Talking about your thesis and/or future (8 minutes)
During this part of the exam, you will be asked to talk about your thesis (Dutch: profielwerkstuk) and/or your future: what are your plans for after graduation? The examiner decides whether you are going to talk about your thesis or your future, or both.

The text from Wasp Reporter (Part 1 of the exam) is one of the last six articles in Wasp magazine. Each week, you will read an article, discuss it with your peers, and answer questions about it. A couple of weeks before the exam, you will get together with your speaking partner, choose two out of these six articles and submit the titles with your teacher. She will let you know which text will be discussed during the exam; i.e. you do not have to prepare both of them, only one article.

Preparation is key, as always. It is important to participate in the Speaking lessons and learn from the feedback you are given. Practising at home is equally valuable: record yourself while speaking English, listen to it and improve aspects you’re unhappy with. For those who are insecure about their Speaking skills: please note two things. Firstly, we do not expect you to speak with a flawless British or American accent. Secondly, whereas some parts of the exam may require spontaneous speech and thinking on your feet, there are other parts for which you can prepare thoroughly – so make sure you do.

As you read a new text each week, don’t forget to write down the title of the article in the table on the previous page. Follow the instructions in this syllabus carefully and always take notes after reading, in case that article is the one you will be discussing on your exam.
ChatGPT zei:
Learning Target for Introduction to the Speaking Exam
Learning Target: By the end of this term, you will be able to confidently prepare for and participate in the Speaking exam by:

Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter.
Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to enhance your performance.
You will demonstrate your readiness by selecting, preparing, and discussing an article, and by being able to talk about your thesis or future plans with clarity and confidence during the exam.
Wasp Reporter - "Lying chatbots - expert groups

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Week 5, Wasp Reporter
  • What did we do last Tuesday?
  • What do you have to remember about your speaking exam?

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Week 5, Lesson 2
Speaking -Wasp Reporter
Learning targets :  By the end of this term, you will be able to  prepare for  the Speaking exam by:
• Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
• Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter -  Freudenfreud
• Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
• Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
• Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to Improve your performance
  • Freudenfreude - read in pairs, do teh assignments according to  the Speaking syllabus


Je zei:
in Dutch please was aanwezig tijdens de KWT uur en haar werk gemakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis.
ChatGPT zei:
"Was aanwezig tijdens het KWT-uur en heeft haar werk gemaakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis."

Je zei:
Please check: Submit the questions & answers of the work you did in class ( per group)
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is clear, but here's a slightly refined version for clarity:

"Submit the questions and answers from the work your group did in class."

Je zei:
Please check the sentence: Which stylistic devices do you know of?
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is correct. However, here's a slightly more formal alternative:

"Which stylistic devices are you familiar with?"

Je zei:
Please write a learning target for the following: Introduction to the Speaking exam

In this third term you will not only have to take a Literature exam, but also a Speaking exam. You will prepare yourself for this exam by following the steps in this syllabus, practising in and outside of class, and learning from the feedback you receive from both your teacher and peers.

The Speaking exam is taken in pairs*, lasts for 15 minutes and consists of two parts:
1. Talking about an article from Wasp Reporter (7 minutes)
Each candidate gets two minutes to present the article (so 4 minutes altogether), followed by a round of questions from the examiner for both of you (i.e. another 3 minutes).
2. Talking about your thesis and/or future (8 minutes)
During this part of the exam, you will be asked to talk about your thesis (Dutch: profielwerkstuk) and/or your future: what are your plans for after graduation? The examiner decides whether you are going to talk about your thesis or your future, or both.

The text from Wasp Reporter (Part 1 of the exam) is one of the last six articles in Wasp magazine. Each week, you will read an article, discuss it with your peers, and answer questions about it. A couple of weeks before the exam, you will get together with your speaking partner, choose two out of these six articles and submit the titles with your teacher. She will let you know which text will be discussed during the exam; i.e. you do not have to prepare both of them, only one article.

Preparation is key, as always. It is important to participate in the Speaking lessons and learn from the feedback you are given. Practising at home is equally valuable: record yourself while speaking English, listen to it and improve aspects you’re unhappy with. For those who are insecure about their Speaking skills: please note two things. Firstly, we do not expect you to speak with a flawless British or American accent. Secondly, whereas some parts of the exam may require spontaneous speech and thinking on your feet, there are other parts for which you can prepare thoroughly – so make sure you do.

As you read a new text each week, don’t forget to write down the title of the article in the table on the previous page. Follow the instructions in this syllabus carefully and always take notes after reading, in case that article is the one you will be discussing on your exam.
ChatGPT zei:
Learning Target for Introduction to the Speaking Exam
Learning Target: By the end of this term, you will be able to confidently prepare for and participate in the Speaking exam by:

Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter.
Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to enhance your performance.
You will demonstrate your readiness by selecting, preparing, and discussing an article, and by being able to talk about your thesis or future plans with clarity and confidence during the exam.
Wasp Reporter - "Lying chatbots - expert groups

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Week 6 Wasp Reporter
  • What did we do last Tuesday?
  • What do you have to remember about your speaking exam?
  • Be ready to present "Freudenfreude"

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Week 6, Lesson 1
Speaking -Wasp Reporter -Influencer parents
Learning targets :  By the end of this term, you will be able to  prepare for  the Speaking exam by:
• Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
• Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter -  Influencer parents
• Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
• Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
• Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to Improve your performance
  • Influencer parents - read in pairs, do the assignments according to  the Speaking syllabus


Je zei:
in Dutch please was aanwezig tijdens de KWT uur en haar werk gemakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis.
ChatGPT zei:
"Was aanwezig tijdens het KWT-uur en heeft haar werk gemaakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis."

Je zei:
Please check: Submit the questions & answers of the work you did in class ( per group)
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is clear, but here's a slightly refined version for clarity:

"Submit the questions and answers from the work your group did in class."

Je zei:
Please check the sentence: Which stylistic devices do you know of?
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is correct. However, here's a slightly more formal alternative:

"Which stylistic devices are you familiar with?"

Je zei:
Please write a learning target for the following: Introduction to the Speaking exam

In this third term you will not only have to take a Literature exam, but also a Speaking exam. You will prepare yourself for this exam by following the steps in this syllabus, practising in and outside of class, and learning from the feedback you receive from both your teacher and peers.

The Speaking exam is taken in pairs*, lasts for 15 minutes and consists of two parts:
1. Talking about an article from Wasp Reporter (7 minutes)
Each candidate gets two minutes to present the article (so 4 minutes altogether), followed by a round of questions from the examiner for both of you (i.e. another 3 minutes).
2. Talking about your thesis and/or future (8 minutes)
During this part of the exam, you will be asked to talk about your thesis (Dutch: profielwerkstuk) and/or your future: what are your plans for after graduation? The examiner decides whether you are going to talk about your thesis or your future, or both.

The text from Wasp Reporter (Part 1 of the exam) is one of the last six articles in Wasp magazine. Each week, you will read an article, discuss it with your peers, and answer questions about it. A couple of weeks before the exam, you will get together with your speaking partner, choose two out of these six articles and submit the titles with your teacher. She will let you know which text will be discussed during the exam; i.e. you do not have to prepare both of them, only one article.

Preparation is key, as always. It is important to participate in the Speaking lessons and learn from the feedback you are given. Practising at home is equally valuable: record yourself while speaking English, listen to it and improve aspects you’re unhappy with. For those who are insecure about their Speaking skills: please note two things. Firstly, we do not expect you to speak with a flawless British or American accent. Secondly, whereas some parts of the exam may require spontaneous speech and thinking on your feet, there are other parts for which you can prepare thoroughly – so make sure you do.

As you read a new text each week, don’t forget to write down the title of the article in the table on the previous page. Follow the instructions in this syllabus carefully and always take notes after reading, in case that article is the one you will be discussing on your exam.
ChatGPT zei:
Learning Target for Introduction to the Speaking Exam
Learning Target: By the end of this term, you will be able to confidently prepare for and participate in the Speaking exam by:

Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter.
Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to enhance your performance.
You will demonstrate your readiness by selecting, preparing, and discussing an article, and by being able to talk about your thesis or future plans with clarity and confidence during the exam.
Wasp Reporter - "Lying chatbots - expert groups

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Week 6 Wasp Reporter
  • What did we do last Tuesday?
  • What do you have to remember about your speaking exam?
  • Be ready to present " Influencer parents"

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Week 9, Lesson 2
Speaking -Wasp Reporter -Wildlings
Learning targets :  By the end of this term, you will be able to  prepare for  the Speaking exam by:
• Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
Has everyone signed  up for his/her speaking exam  ?
• Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter 
• Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
• Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to Improve your performance
  • Read: Wildlings
  • Inspect Literature test


Je zei:
in Dutch please was aanwezig tijdens de KWT uur en haar werk gemakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis.
ChatGPT zei:
"Was aanwezig tijdens het KWT-uur en heeft haar werk gemaakt. Met mijn toestemming mocht zij naar huis."

Je zei:
Please check: Submit the questions & answers of the work you did in class ( per group)
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is clear, but here's a slightly refined version for clarity:

"Submit the questions and answers from the work your group did in class."

Je zei:
Please check the sentence: Which stylistic devices do you know of?
ChatGPT zei:
Your sentence is correct. However, here's a slightly more formal alternative:

"Which stylistic devices are you familiar with?"

Je zei:
Please write a learning target for the following: Introduction to the Speaking exam

In this third term you will not only have to take a Literature exam, but also a Speaking exam. You will prepare yourself for this exam by following the steps in this syllabus, practising in and outside of class, and learning from the feedback you receive from both your teacher and peers.

The Speaking exam is taken in pairs*, lasts for 15 minutes and consists of two parts:
1. Talking about an article from Wasp Reporter (7 minutes)
Each candidate gets two minutes to present the article (so 4 minutes altogether), followed by a round of questions from the examiner for both of you (i.e. another 3 minutes).
2. Talking about your thesis and/or future (8 minutes)
During this part of the exam, you will be asked to talk about your thesis (Dutch: profielwerkstuk) and/or your future: what are your plans for after graduation? The examiner decides whether you are going to talk about your thesis or your future, or both.

The text from Wasp Reporter (Part 1 of the exam) is one of the last six articles in Wasp magazine. Each week, you will read an article, discuss it with your peers, and answer questions about it. A couple of weeks before the exam, you will get together with your speaking partner, choose two out of these six articles and submit the titles with your teacher. She will let you know which text will be discussed during the exam; i.e. you do not have to prepare both of them, only one article.

Preparation is key, as always. It is important to participate in the Speaking lessons and learn from the feedback you are given. Practising at home is equally valuable: record yourself while speaking English, listen to it and improve aspects you’re unhappy with. For those who are insecure about their Speaking skills: please note two things. Firstly, we do not expect you to speak with a flawless British or American accent. Secondly, whereas some parts of the exam may require spontaneous speech and thinking on your feet, there are other parts for which you can prepare thoroughly – so make sure you do.

As you read a new text each week, don’t forget to write down the title of the article in the table on the previous page. Follow the instructions in this syllabus carefully and always take notes after reading, in case that article is the one you will be discussing on your exam.
ChatGPT zei:
Learning Target for Introduction to the Speaking Exam
Learning Target: By the end of this term, you will be able to confidently prepare for and participate in the Speaking exam by:

Understanding the structure and requirements of the Speaking exam.
Effectively presenting and discussing an article from Wasp Reporter.
Articulating your thoughts about your thesis and/or future plans.
Practicing and improving your speaking skills through regular in-class activities and self-reflection.
Utilizing feedback from peers and your teacher to enhance your performance.
You will demonstrate your readiness by selecting, preparing, and discussing an article, and by being able to talk about your thesis or future plans with clarity and confidence during the exam.
Wasp Reporter - "Lying chatbots - expert groups

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Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 9 - Open question

Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Week 8, Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, you will understand how to effectively prepare for a speaking exam based on a written text  by analyzing it, answering the questions and practicing speaking skills.
Wasp Reporter - " El Maestro " - expert groups

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What do you already know about Kylian Mbappe, professionl football?

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El Maestro
Source: The New York Times

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  1. 90 minutes, 2x15minutes
  2. When one player scores three goals in a game. 
  3. A player is cautioned. 
  4. When a player plays the ball through the legs of an opponent and collects it on the other side. 
  5. 5 penalties
  6. When a team finishes a game without conceding a goal.  
  7. Football was first played in England. 
  8. VAR stands for Video Assistan Referee. 
  9. As of December 2022, Christiano Ronaldo had the highest salary, earning an estimated 200 million US dollars a year with Saudi Arabian club Al-Nassr. 
  10. PSG stands for Paris Saint-Germain. 

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  1. In May 2014, MBappé and his peers were asked to create a magazine
    cover that features an image of themselves.
  2. Mbappé decided to imitage the cover of Time Magazine, with himself as the focal point. The headline, displayed in bold white font, read 'El Maestro' which translates to 'The Master'. 
  3. Four years later, Mbappé was featured on the front cover of the actual Time Magazine as the best young playe rin the world and the future of football. 
  4. Followin his World Cup win with France, Mbappé's life became more fast-paced and high-profile, with frequent meetings with fashion brands, book publishers, and media moguls. 
  5. Mbappé and his family chose AS Monaco because it could nurthure his talents (l.57). The club has rich history in uncovering and advancing talented young players (ll.76-77). 
  6. According to his teachers, Mbappé stood out from his classmates due to his intelligence and self-assurance. He showed a level of confidence and maturity that made him different from others. 
  7. The pivitol decision of Mbappé's career was signing with Monaco. He made his debut for the club at 16, played an important role in their run for the Champions League semi-finals two years later and eventually second-highest transfer fee to PSG.

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  • 8 Mbappé's behaviour was very confident. He asked Emery to ignore his age and treat him like a professional. He made Emery promise not to drop him from the line-up after a single poor performance and allow him to play through any difficulties, only benching him if the issues persisted.
  • 9 Mbappé founded his own charity organisation dedicated to inspiring children in the Paris area. He also keeps a close eye on the commercial and philanthropic activities of other football stars.
  • 10 Mbappé is very outspoken about racism in football. He publicly criticised the president of the French football  federation on issues related to race. He has shown a willingness to engage on the topic, ignoring the advice of his handlers. He expressed his readiness to contribute towards solving the issue.
  • 11 Mbappé's fame and success have brought him a life that is far from normal. His daily routine requires careful planning, with security and logistics. He sometimes regrets not being able to do normal things. Nonetheless, he appears to cope well with the challenges of his fame and is thankful for the opportunities he has been given.
  • 12 Mbappé characterises his life as 'crazy', with the frenzy of his travelling circus for instance becoming a typical feature of his fast-paced existence.

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  1. roots
  2. simplicity
  3. regardless of
  4. ease
  5. defining
  6. redictability
  7. underdog
  8. pride
  9. transcend
  10.  revolve around

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Understanding the Text
Analyzing the main ideas, supporting details, and language features of the written text for comprehension and effective speaking preparation.

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Vocabulary Analysis
Identifying and understanding key vocabulary and expressions from the written text to enhance speaking fluency and accuracy.

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Structuring Your Response
Learning how to structure and organize spoken responses based on the content and context of the written text for clarity and coherence.

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Speaking Practice
Engaging in speaking practice exercises using the analyzed text to develop fluency, pronunciation, and confidence in expressing ideas orally.

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Feedback and Peer Evaluation
Receiving constructive feedback from peers and the instructor to improve speaking skills and address areas for enhancement.

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Overcoming Speaking Challenges
Identifying and addressing common challenges in speaking exams and developing strategies to overcome them for improved performance.

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Final Preparation Tips
Summarizing key preparation tips and techniques for a successful speaking exam based on a written text.

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Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 25 - Open question

Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 26 - Open question

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.
Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 27 - Open question

Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 28 - Open question

Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 29 - Open question

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.