will vs going to

Silent Task
How many words can you translate in 5 min?  

 gemiddeld, kostschool, uit het hoofd, spiekbriefje, 
verplicht, erg blij, schorsen, wegkomen met, moeten nablijven, diploma-uitreiking, onvoldoende, 
stage, lezing, schoolhoofd/rector, herhalen, schoolgeld, een oogje dichtknijpen. 

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 48 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Silent Task
How many words can you translate in 5 min?  

 gemiddeld, kostschool, uit het hoofd, spiekbriefje, 
verplicht, erg blij, schorsen, wegkomen met, moeten nablijven, diploma-uitreiking, onvoldoende, 
stage, lezing, schoolhoofd/rector, herhalen, schoolgeld, een oogje dichtknijpen. 

Slide 1 - Slide

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Silent Task- Keys

 average, boarding school, by heart, 
cheat sheet, compulsory, delighted, 
to expel, to get away with, to get detention, graduation, insufficient, 
internship, lecture, principal, 
to revise for, tuition, 
to turn a bling eye. 

Slide 2 - Slide

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How do you feel today?

Slide 3 - Poll

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1. We watch the video from ex. 3 together twice.
2. You do ex. 3 and 4 individually online.
3. You work in silence and finish the ex.
4. I monitor your work.


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Slide 5 - Slide

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to be going to and will

Slide 6 - Slide

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going to + hele ww

Slide 7 - Slide

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will / won't + w.w.

Slide 8 - Slide

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to be going to + hele werkwoord

Slide 9 - Slide

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Will + hele werkwoord
Will + (not) + hele werkwoord
I won't help you later.
She will not listen to his advice.
Will they be home later today?

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will + not = WON'T

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will vs. to be going to

Slide 12 - Slide

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Will or Going to

Slide 13 - Slide

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Peter .... study at Koning Willem 1 after his exams.
is going to

Slide 14 - Quiz

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1. ´to be going to´ wordt gebruikt voor toekomstige acties waarvoor we al een plan/besluit hebben gemaakt of bij een voorspelling op basis van concrete aanwijzingen.
2. ´Will´wordt gebruikt voor toekomstige acties bij een wens of voorspelling zonder concrete aanwijzingen, bij voorstel/aanbod/besluit dat op dit moment zelf wordt gemaakt.   

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What are you doing next weekend?
I .... celebrate my birthday Saturday night.
am going to

Slide 16 - Quiz

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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

My mother _______(to live) in Portugal for all her life.
have lived
has lived

Slide 17 - Quiz

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Maybe I .... go home. Or maybe not. I don't know yet.
am going to

Slide 18 - Quiz

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Look at the clouds! It ...... rain!
is going to

Slide 19 - Quiz

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Het Britse nationale team zal dit jaar de beker winnen.

Slide 20 - Open question

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Wat gaan we vanavond doen?

Slide 21 - Open question

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We gaan de hele week buiten trainen.

Slide 22 - Open question

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Schrijf 3 dingen op die je deze les hebt geleerd.

Slide 23 - Open question

De leerlingen voeren hier drie dingen in die ze in deze les hebben geleerd. Hiermee geven ze aan wat hun eigen leerrendement van deze les is.
Schrijf 2 dingen op waarover je meer wilt weten.

Slide 24 - Open question

De leerlingen voeren hier twee dingen in waarover ze meer zouden willen weten. Hiermee vergroot je niet alleen betrokkenheid, maar geef je hen ook meer eigenaarschap.

Do ex. 6, 7 & 8 
p. 125/126

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Welcome back!

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Silent Task - 5 min.

1. Read the instructions carefully
2. Choose ´will´ or ´be going to´
3. Be ready to explain your answer 

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Lesson goals:
- practise your listening skills 
- learn how to ask for and give personal information
- learn how to give and follow simple instructions

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Lesson 2
  • Silent task -> will/going to - 10 min
  • 2. Listening: ex. 3 and 4 online. - 10 min
  • 4. Speaking: expressions (A, B) in Google Classroom -> submit your work! If not, you will have come come back and finish.
  • 5. Toetsbespreking 

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Lesson 3
  • 1. Silent task -> 
  • 2. Toetsbespreking 

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Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Past Simple: we use the simple past tense to talk about events that are completely in the past.
Cassie lived in London for 2 years. (she does not live there anymore)
Present perfect: is for events which are still true now or affect us in the present -> result
Cassie has lived in London for 10 years now. (she still lived there)

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Past Simple 
we use PS to talk about events that are completely in the past.
Cassie lived in London for 2 years. (she does not live there anymore)
Present Perfect
we use PP for events which happened in the past but still true now or affect us in the present
Cassie has lived in London for 10 years now.
(she still lives there)
Signal words (ezelsbruggetje)
Ago                      => LADY

For                       Just
Yet                       Already      => FYNE JAS
Never                  Since

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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

We _______(to see) the sun go down last night.
have seen
has seen

Slide 33 - Quiz

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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

Chris and I _______ (to know) each other for a long time. We only met last week.
have not known
did not know

Slide 34 - Quiz

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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

Chris and I _______ (to know) each other for a long time. We only met last week.
have not known
did not know

Slide 35 - Quiz

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Ask 1 question about something you have not understood in the lesson yet.

Slide 36 - Open question

De leerlingen geven hier (in vraagvorm) aan met welk onderdeel van de stof ze nog moeite. Voor de docent biedt dit niet alleen inzicht in de mate waarin de stof de leerlingen begrijpen/beheersen, maar ook een goed startpunt voor een volgende les.
Lesson 3
  • Grammar Some vs Any - 5 min
  • Individual: ex. 5 and 6 in the book page 142 - 10 min
  • Speaking practice: ex. 12 (a,b,c,d) page 136-137

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Understand the difference between some and any and apply it into sentences.

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Some vs Any

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Individual work:

Do ex. 5 and 6 in the book page 142 - 10 min


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Speaking English
You need to do ex. 12 om page 136-137 but first...

1.Fill out both conversations in your book
 2. Now you can act out the conversations.
Student A: the doctor
Student B: the patient

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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

She _______(to wear) a crazy outfit to yesterday´s party.
was wearing
has worn

Slide 42 - Quiz

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Thank you for today and I will see you tomorrow!
Tuck in the chairs please!

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Slide 44 - Slide

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Silent Task - Key

1. Will                                     2. they are going to lose ...
3. I will play golf                 4. It will be .... 
5. I will take                         6. We are going ...
7.  Will read ...                      8. I am going to the beach ...
9.  I will take ...                     10. Will you ...?

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Lesson Goals
- Know the difference between (to be) going to' and 'will'.
- Exit ticket: What did you learn?
- Afronding + huiswerk

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Past Simple or Present Perfect?

I _______(to play) that new game yet, but I really want to.
have not played
has not played
did not play

Slide 47 - Quiz

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Expressions A and B
1. You go to Google Classroom
2. Click the first document with expressions A, B.
3. Translate the expressions into English.
4. Check it on page 173.
5. Submit the document to me.


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