theme 2 lesson 2 past simple

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Slide 1 - Slide

today's plan
  • welcome 5 min
  • grammar explanation 15min
  • exercises grammar 10 min (hand in)
  •  reading 10 min
  • reflection 

  • GOAL: 
  • after this lesson I know how to use the Past simple 

Slide 2 - Slide

Past Simple
Past simple!

Slide 3 - Slide

Grammar: Past simple

Slide 4 - Slide

Past simple

WHEN: finished action in the past

1. regular: verb + ED
2. irregular: list 2nd row 


I went to Canada when I was 5 years old. 

I worked at the library in 1982. 
I saw an elephant at the zoo last ime. 

Slide 5 - Slide

Slide 6 - Slide

Rules for Past Simple

Slide 7 - Slide

Past simple
Past simple
Om aan te geven dat iets in het verleden is gebeurd.
Met –ed OF een onregelmatige vorm.
Yesterday, last week, last month, two days ago, four days ago, months ago, etc.
He walked her home last night.
I talked to him on the phone yesterday.
She tried to close her book but a fly got caught in between the pages.

Slide 8 - Slide

Past simple
Woordsvolgorde in de past simple:

1. Yesterday we walked home.
1. We walked home yesterday
2. Beyonce was on the cover of Vogue last month.
2. Last month Beyonce was on the cover of Vogue.

De tijdsbepaling mag helemaal vooraan óf helemaal achteraan. NOOIT in het midden!

Slide 9 - Slide

 bevestigende zinnen
Present simple

Present simple (tegenwoordige tijd)
Past simple (verleden tijd)
I like dogs
I liked dogs
The teacher talks all day
The teacher talked all day
The woman screams very loudly
The woman screamed very loudly
Look! Yes, I see that.
Look! Yes, I saw that
She catches butterflies in her spare time
She caught butterlies in her spare time
The teacher teaches us a lot
The teacher taught us a lot.

Slide 10 - Slide

Slide 11 - Slide

Past simple - questions
  • Bij vragen verandert de ‘Do’ in ’did’
  • Na ‘did’ gebruik je altijd het hele werkwoord. De verleden tijd zit dan al verstopt in ‘did’.

Heb je een vorm van ‘to be’ (= am/is/are), dan verschuift die naar voren en zet je die ook in de verleden tijd (was/were)

Slide 12 - Slide

Past simple - questions
Present simple (tegenwoordige tijd)
Past simple (verleden tijd)
Do you like him?
Did you like him?
Where are you?
Where were you?
Is he always like that?
Was he always like that?
How are you doing?
How were you doing?
Is that your cousin over there?
Was that your cousin over there?
Do you know where I can find her?
Did you know where I can find her?

Slide 13 - Slide

Negative sentences / negations
Bij een ontkenning moet je ‘not’ gebruiken. Plak deze aan het hoofdwerkwoord in de zin.
Denk eraan dat het werkwoord in de verleden tijd gezet moet worden!
Do not  = don’t
Did not = didn’t

Slide 14 - Slide

Negative sentences / negations
Present simple (tegenwoordige tijd)
Past simple - negative (verleden tijd)
Do you see that? No I don't
Did you see that? No I didn't
He is not my best friend
He was not my best friend
I am not happy
I was not happy
He leaves early
He didn't leave early
He buys a laptop
He didn't buy a laptop

Slide 15 - Slide

Slide 16 - Link

Slide 17 - Link

The woman ______ her bicycle.

Slide 18 - Quiz

The teacher ______ a lesson through LessonUp

Slide 19 - Quiz

Put the sentence in the past simple:
He makes cakes on Saturdays

Slide 20 - Open question

The cat ______ at the mouse

Slide 21 - Quiz

Put the sentences in the past simple:
Superman is not better than Batman

Slide 22 - Open question

Put the sentence in the past simple: Do you have a cellphone?

Slide 23 - Open question

Put the sentences in the past simple:
He is the best person in the world.

Slide 24 - Open question

Let's get to work
go to: 
- LP: English werkpad theme 1

- werkpad theme 2, week 2, past simple exercises
- do this for the coming 15 minutes!!
- study irregular verbs 

Slide 25 - Slide

Hand out!
- Do the assignments on the hand out
- hand in after lesson 
- you can use the list with irregular verbs 

- finished: LP Week 2
- nu actueel (read 1 article)
- past simple exercises 

Slide 26 - Slide

Goal: after this lesson you know how to use the past simple? 
- Do you? 
- Did you finish hand out? 
- Tips / tops? 

Slide 27 - Slide

  • study irregular verbs category 1 and 2 (words stay the same + exceptions) 
  • study theme words B  

Slide 28 - Slide