Unit 1: Nice to meet you

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NederlandsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 1-6

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quiz and text slides.

Items in this lesson

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Lesson plan
1. Speaking exercise: voorstellen
2. Unit 1: Nice to meet you 
3. Task: make a presentation about your favourite hobby!

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Speaking exercise: voorstellen
Hoe heet je?                                                            Dit is...
Waar kom je vandaan?                                       Hij/zij komt uit...
Hoe oud ben je?                                                    Hij/zij is ... jaar
Waar woon je?                                                        Hij/zij woont in ...
Heb je een broer of zus?                                   Hij/zij heeft ...
Wat zijn je hobby's?                                            Zijn/haar hobby's zijn...

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Unit 1: Nice to meet you
  • Unit about introducing yourself and others
- How do you introduce yourself?
- Why is word choice important?
- What is the right way to send a message? 

  • 2 summatives
- Criterion A: Listening test
- Criterion D: Present a classmate 

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Lesson plan
1. Present your favourite hobby
2. Reading exercise:
- Go to the folder I shared with you
- Choose phase 1: the reading task
- When you have finished phase 1, you can try the reading task of phase 2 

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Task: present your favourite hobby
1. Make a little presentation (use Word/Powerpoint) about your favourite hobby. You can choose!
2. Beginners: The presentation can be in English but you have to use 5 - 10 new Dutch words in your presentation.
3. You can try to make your presentation in Dutch.
4. Present your favourite hobby to your classmates. Write the new Dutch words in your vocabulary list. 

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Welke hobby's ken je?

Slide 7 - Mind map

Lesson plan
1. Speaking exercise
2. New vocabulary: body parts and clothes 
3. HW: Watch 'het jeugdjournaal'

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Speaking exercise: beschrijven
You are going to describe the person next to you. You can tell something about their physical appearance but also about their character
You can do the exercise in English but try to use a Dutch word if you know it

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New vocabulary: body parts and clothes
1. Go the the website: https://www.learndutch.org/lessons/body-parts-in-dutch/
2. Watch the video (with earplugs) of lesson 16 (body parts) and lesson 17 (clothes) and/or read the vocabulary list 
3. Make the visual and context quizzes of lesson 16 and 17
4. When you have finished, you can begin with the writing exercise

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Lesson plan
1. Homeworkcheck: lichaamsdelen en kleding
2. Writing exercise: Draw and describe the person next to you
3. HW: Watch 'het jeugdjournaal'
--> 'Gisteren' or 'dinsdag'

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Lesson plan
1. De nieuwsquiz
2. Homeworkcheck: lichaamsdelen en kleding
3. Writing exercise: Draw and describe the person next to you


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Writing exercise: beschrijven
Draw and describe the person next to you. 
Phase 1: Make the drawing and use Dutch words to describe
Phase 2: Make the drawing and write a short description in Dutch
Phase 3: Make the drawing, write a short description in Dutch and compare your appearance with the person you described in a short text.

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Lesson plan - 9 september
1. Reading exercise:
- Go to the shared 'Student documents' folder
- Choose phase 1 or 2 
- Make the reading exercise 
- Write your answers in a new document: Unit 1 - answers  
2.  Done? Answer the inquiry question.
--> Use the document 'How to give a presentation?' to help you. 
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

Criterion B: Comprehending written and visual text  

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Lesson plan - 11 september
1. How to give a presentation? 
--> Let's discuss your answers 

2. Listening exercise: preparation for the listening formative = criterion A

3. Vocabulary: add words and make exercises 

HW: Watch het 'jeugdjournaal'
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

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Vocabulary: Quizlet 
1. Make an account on quizlet if you don't have one.
2. Use the link to join the class: https://quizlet.com/join/kD4emhKW7
3. Make your own vocabulary list for the words you didn't know.
4. Add words that belong to the subject 'Nice to meet you' to the shared set (Unit 1: Nice to meet you)
5. Make some exercises to train your vocabulary!

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Lesson plan - 12 september
1. Grammar: sentence structure 
--> Use the shared drive 'student documents - MYP1 
--> Choose your phase
--> Choose the grammar folder
--> Write your answers in a notebook

2. Listening exercise: preparation for the listening formative = criterion A

HW: Watch het 'jeugdjournaal'
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

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Listening exercise 
Follow the link (type in carefully) and make the exercises with earplugs. 

-Exercise 1: https://nt2taalmenu.nl/nt2-a1-luisteren-oefening-1/
-Exercise 2: https://nt2taalmenu.nl/nt2-a2-luisteren-oefening-1/

Make sure you use Google Chrome as a browser, not Safari!

If the exercises are too hard for you, raise your hand. 

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Lesson plan - 16 september
1. Formal formative: presentation 
--> Make the powerpoint for your presentation
--> Write down in Dutch what you want to say 
--> Practise with another student

HW: Finish your presentation!
--> 23th september: formal formative
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

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Lesson plan - 18 september
1. Reading exercise: leestrainer
--> Go to the shared documents folder
--> Choose your phase
--> Choose the reading folder
--> Click on the leestrainer document and make the exercises

2. Done? You can work on your presentation! 
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

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Lesson plan - 26 september
1. Grammar:
- Beginners: Work in grammarbooks 
--> Lesson 2 + lesson 3

- Phase 1: Dutch verbs 
--> Auxilary verbs

Next lesson: Summative criterion A
(Listening test) --> Prepare yourself!
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

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Tegenwoordige tijd (Present tense)
Regel (rule):  
- Enkelvoud (singular) --> ik-vorm + t 
- Meervoud (plural) --> hele ww
jij loopt - de jongen vindt - wij lopen - zij vinden

Hulpmiddel (trick): 
When in doubt: replace the verb for an easy verb: 'lopen'
Uitzonderingen (exeption): 
1. ik -vorm: geen -t
ik loop - ik fiets - ik vind 

2. jij/je achter ww: geen -t
loop je - fiets jij - vind je 

Vraag: welke zin is juist? 
Vind je broer dat ook?
Vindt je broer dat ook? 

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Verleden tijd (Past tense)
2 options:
- Regelmatige werkwoorden (regular verbs): Regel (rule)

- Onregelmatige werkwoorden (irregular verbs): Learn them
--> Look at the list in your verbs document
--> Search the translation for the verbs
--> Learn 10 verbs a week
--> The more verbs you know, the easier it is to make Dutch sentences!

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Verleden tijd (Past tense)

Regular verbs: rule
--> Singular: ik-vorm + te/de
--> Plural: ik-vorm + ten/den

Te(n) of de(n)?: 'T-eXKoFSCHiP
How? whole verb - en 
- Last letter in kofschip? --> -te(n)
- Last letter not in kofschip? --> de(n)

(maken) Hij maakte

(fietsen) Wij fietsten

(antwoorden) Hij antwoordde

(gooien) Wij gooiden

(verven) Hij verfde

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Lesson plan - 2 October
1. Speaking exercise: Describe a celebrity 
---> You will work in pairs of 2 and we will play 2 rounds. 
  • Round 1: Describe one of the pictures to another student. Help eachother by making simple Dutch sentences.
  • Round 2: You will get a picture of a celebrity and your classmate will answer questions about the picture. You can only answer with 'ja' or 'nee'. Your classmate has to guess the person. 
2. Done? Continue to work on your presentation or watch the journal. 
Unit 1: Nice to meet you 

Inquiry question: What is the right way to introduce yourself? 

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Picture 1
Picture 2

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Wie is het? Questions to ask
Is het een man/ een vrouw?
Heeft hij/zij blond/bruin/zwart haar?
Is hij/zij jong/oud?
Is hij/zij bekend van televisie/muziek?
Is hij/zij iemand die bekend is van de politiek?
Is hij/zij aardig/gemeen? 
Is hij/zij knap? 
Is hij/zij vaak in het nieuws? 

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