1. When I was a kid, I ... almost died from an infection of the brain. 2. I plan to ... go and live in the US when I am retired. 3. I have never ... gotten a tattoo.
1 is the lie
2 is the lie
3 is the lie
Slide 3 - Quiz
Groups for this class:
Magister makes groups of 4.
Write down the group names in your workbook or on a sheet of paper.
Slide 4 - Slide
Over to you: remember to write down the scores!
1 point for every correct guess.
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Next round:
Practise on your teacher again.
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1. I grew up in ... a 400 year old house with 9 other children. 2. My dream for the future is ... to travel with my husband once the children are grown. 3. I've always wanted ... to write children's books.
1 is a lie
2 is a lie
3 is a lie
Slide 7 - Quiz
Over to you: remember to write down the scores!
1 point for every correct guess.
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Part 2
Common ground
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Make a list
of all the things you and your group have in common.
You get seven minutes.
Make the list as long as possible.
You get a point for every single item on the list.
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Part 3:
The same yet different:
what makes each person unique?
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Find two things
about each group member that are UNIQUE to that person.
Write them down in your workbook or on your sheet of paper.
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Weekly task
Take a picture of all your answers to the 3 assignments:
1. two truths, one lie
2. common ground
3. the same, yet different
Put the pictures in your weekly task at question 3.
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Don't forget to finish both Gimkits before midnight on Friday!
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Give me one English word about this speaking exercise.