Scratch Maze Project - Lessons 1 - 4

Game Design with Scratch
Lesson 1
1 / 28
Slide 1: Slide
ComputingLower Secondary (Key Stage 3)

This lesson contains 28 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 5 videos.

Items in this lesson

Game Design with Scratch
Lesson 1

Slide 1 - Slide

What is an algorithm?

Slide 2 - Mind map

Task 1 - Cat and mouse

Slide 3 - Slide

KO: Design and develop a computer game using specialist software
  • Create algorithms that contains a sequence of instructions
  • Create algorithms that contains selection
  • Create algorithms that contains iteration
  • Deploy variables within your code
  • Deploy broadcasts within your code to add complexity to your game
  • Expand your game further by adding complexity to your game – such as more levels / more difficulty etc.

Slide 4 - Slide

Vampire Survivors Scratch
Scratch Link - Click here


Slide 5 - Slide

Task 1 - Cat and mouse - SOLUTION

Slide 6 - Slide

Task 2 - Setup your Scratch account.
Create your Scratch account. Use your school username i.e. 4041jaco21 and your school email address i.e.

Slide 8 - Slide

Task 3A - Scratch... the basics
Your teacher will now show you:
How to create new Sprites
Code Tab:
  • Motion blocks
  • Looks Blocks
  • Events Blocks
  • Control Blocks
  • Sensing
  • Operator
  • Variables

How to create multiple sprites.

Slide 9 - Slide

Task 3B - Scratch... the basics
Your teacher will now show you:
Code Tab:
  • Looks Blocks
  • Events Blocks
  • Control Blocks
  • Sensing
  • Operator
  • Variables

Slide 10 - Slide

Scratch Project
Part 1 - Main Sprite
  1. Add a new sprite (click the blue Cat Face button) and click the paint brush from the pop up menu
  2. Make sure that you are on the "Costume" tab and use the square tool to draw a small square. MAKE SURE the squares centre is drawn over the cross hairs (see cross symbol) 
  3. Click on the code window and code the following sequence. 
  4. Test your code by pressing the green flag button. You should be able to control the direction that your sprite moves in by using the arrow keys.

Slide 11 - Slide

Slide 12 - Video

THINK - What issues did you encounter when you used Scratch to build the maze game last week.

(You will complete this in silence)

Slide 13 - Slide

PAIR - What issues did you encounter when you used Scratch to build the maze game last week.

(Discuss your answer with your partner)

Slide 14 - Slide

SHARE - What issues did you encounter when you used Scratch to build the maze game last week.
(Only one answer per pair)

Slide 15 - Open question

KO: Design and develop a computer game using specialist software
  • Create algorithms that contains a sequence of instructions
  • Create algorithms that contains selection
  • Create algorithms that contains iteration
  • Deploy variables within your code
  • Deploy broadcasts within your code to add complexity to your game
  • Expand your game further by adding complexity to your game – such as more levels / more difficulty etc.

Slide 16 - Slide

Scratch Project
Part 2 - Backgrounds
  1. You now need to create 3 backgrounds for your levels. The game is a maze and if the sprite touches the side of the maze it returns to the start.
  2. Make sure your sprite is  at the start of your maze. I recommend starting the sprite in the same place for all your levels.
  3. You need to use the square tool to create a suitable maze.
  4. It needs to large enough for the sprite to be able to travel from one end of the game to the other.
  5. It needs to have a colour square at the end of the maze to allow the player to win (more on this later)
  6. Once you have completed the first level (backdrop) click the picture icon in the bottom left and click the paint brush.

Slide 17 - Slide

Slide 18 - Video

Scratch Project
Part 3 - Broadcasts & Changing Levels
  1. You now need to code in the mechanism to allow the game to change levels. To do this we will use broadcasts. 
  2. You need to name your boradcast messages, so the algorithms can link together correctly. 
  3. Use the purple "appearance" blocks to change backgrounds.

Link to YouTube video         

Slide 19 - Slide

Slide 20 - Video

Scratch Project
Part 4 - Obstacles
  1. Create a new sprite/s to act as an obstacle in your level/s.
  2. Add similar code as shown to your new sprites code tab.
  3. Use the previously created broadcast messages to tell the game when to hide and show the obstacles.
  4. Use the "show" and "hide" blocks that can be found in the purple code blocks.

Slide 21 - Slide

Slide 22 - Video

KO: Design and develop a computer game using specialist software
  • Create algorithms that contains a sequence of instructions
  • Create algorithms that contains selection
  • Create algorithms that contains iteration
  • Deploy variables within your code
  • Deploy broadcasts within your code to add complexity to your game
  • Expand your game further by adding complexity to your game – such as more levels / more difficulty etc.

Slide 23 - Slide

Scratch Project
Part 5 - Score
  1. Create a new variable in your game called score.
  2. Use the "Set Score to 0 block" to reset the score to zero at the start of your main sprite code.
  3. Use the "Change score by 1" block to add a point to your score after you complete each level.

Slide 24 - Slide

Slide 25 - Video

Finalising the Game
You now have all of the skills needed to make an amazing game! Use the rest of our lesson time to improve, add challenges and new levels to your game.

Slide 26 - Slide

Hats Reflection Activity
Log on to Teams and complete the peer assessments hats activity, as instructed by your teacher.

Slide 27 - Slide

Uploading your completed game to teams
Click the share button on your game in Scratch and upload it to the Teams chat, as instructed by your teacher.

Slide 28 - Slide