V5C 20-3-2025 45 min

You need: Wasp, notebook, pen, exam texts

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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 42 slides, with text slides and 2 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 90 min

Items in this lesson

You need: Wasp, notebook, pen, exam texts

Slide 1 - Slide

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1. Learning goals
2. Dictionary practice (5 mins)
3. Reading practice (20 mins)
4. Time to study (10 mins))
5. Round off together

Slide 2 - Slide

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Learning goals
At the end of this lesson...

- I will have practised my reading skills
- I will have practised using a dictionary

Slide 3 - Slide

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Slide 4 - Video

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Dictionary practice

Slide 5 - Slide

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Slide 6 - Slide

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verkeerde benaming

Slide 7 - Slide

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aggregate (adj)

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aggregate (adj)
cumulatief, gezamenlijk

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acuut, onmiddellijk

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ontredderd, ontspoord

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To do: exam texts
Practise exam texts (new handout, texts 6-11)
Finish/check exam texts 1-5 (answers in Teams)
OR: do extra exercises + text from The Guardian

Do online exercises (links in Teams)
Watch video about reading strategies (link in Teams)
Check out linking words on ELO

Slide 17 - Slide

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Slide 18 - Video

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Well done! You...

- have practised your reading skills
- have practised using a dictionary

Slide 19 - Slide

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Discuss in English
- groups of 3-4
- goal 1: decide on a favourite song
- goal 2: practise formulating arguments
- requirements: English lyrics & appropriate language

Send me the lyrics and a link to the song in Teams
Provide 3 REAL arguments

Slide 20 - Slide

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I think…
I believe…
In my opinion…
I agree with…
I feel that…
I’m pretty sure that…
I’d say that…
As far as I know…
My view is…
From my point of view…
I suppose…
I’m confident that…

Slide 21 - Slide

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Slide 22 - Slide

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Supporting yourself & others
= last week's theme

Writer and actor Natasha Rothwell talks about
 things that helped form her identity & what supported her

Slide 23 - Slide

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Video (0:00 - 3:30)
1. Summarize her answer to each question in 1 sentence max.
2. What does she mean when she says 'main character energy'?
3. What is her final lesson / advice?

To ignite: (doen) ontbranden / ontvlammen
Insationable: onverzadigbaar
'Pinch me' moment: ........

Slide 24 - Slide

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Slide 25 - Link

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In pairs, discuss:
1. Summarize her answer to each question in 1 sentence max.
2. What does she mean when she says 'main character energy'?
3. What is her final lesson / advice?


Slide 26 - Slide

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Let's hear your answers...
Summarize her answer to each question in 1 sentence max.
- What ignites your creativity?
- What does TV need more of? What does she mean when she says 'main character energy'?
- Describe a 'pinch me' moment. What is her final lesson / advice?

Slide 27 - Slide

- ignite creativity: curiosity about the human condition
- TV needs more: representation
- Pinch me moment: seeing herself mentioned as a writer on the credits list of Saturday Night Live (TV programme)

Be the main character in your own story, take up space

Final lesson: don't wait for someone else to acknowledge you, go & do what you want to do
Speaking exercise
- What ignites your creativity?
- What makes you feel confident? 
- Who is an example to you and why?
- Do other people's opinions influence your behaviour?
- Who or what supports you?
- Are you usually supportive of other people's plans? In what way could you be (even) more supportive?


Slide 28 - Slide

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Discuss in English
- groups of 3-4
- goal 1: decide on a favourite song
- goal 2: practise formulating arguments
- requirements: English lyrics & appropriate language

Send me the lyrics and a link to the song in Teams
Provide 3 REAL arguments

Slide 29 - Slide

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I think…
I believe…
In my opinion…
I agree with…
I feel that…
I’m pretty sure that…
I’d say that…
As far as I know…
My view is…
From my point of view…
I suppose…
I’m confident that…

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Slide 31 - Slide

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Supporting yourself & others
= this week's theme

Writer and actor Natasha Rothwell talks about
 things that helped form her identity & what supported her

Slide 32 - Slide

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Video (0:00 - 3:30)
1. Summarize her answer to each question in 1 sentence max.
2. What does she mean when she says 'main character energy'?
3. What is her final lesson / advice?

To ignite: (doen) ontbranden / ontvlammen
Insationable: onverzadigbaar
'Pinch me' moment: ........

Slide 33 - Slide

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Slide 34 - Link

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In pairs, discuss:
1. Summarize her answer to each question in 1 sentence max.
2. What does she mean when she says 'main character energy'?
3. What is her final lesson / advice?


Slide 35 - Slide

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Let's hear your answers...
Summarize her answer to each question in 1 sentence max.
- What ignites your creativity?
- What does TV need more of? What does she mean when she says 'main character energy'?
- Describe a 'pinch me' moment. What is her final lesson / advice?

Slide 36 - Slide

- ignite creativity: curiosity about the human condition
- TV needs more: representation
- Pinch me moment: seeing herself mentioned as a writer on the credits list of Saturday Night Live (TV programme)

Be the main character in your own story, take up space

Final lesson: don't wait for someone else to acknowledge you, go & do what you want to do
Speaking exercise
- What ignites your creativity?
- What makes you feel confident? 
- Who is an example to you and why?
- Do other people's opinions influence your behaviour?
- Who or what supports you?
- Are you usually supportive of other people's plans? In what way could you be (even) more supportive?


Slide 37 - Slide

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Watching the news
- listen carefully
- we will discuss each news item together

- this way, you also practise understanding of exam texts

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Slide 39 - Link

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Slide 40 - Link

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Slide 41 - Link

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Slide 42 - Link

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