2b/k Prep test for @home

Hey leuke leerlingen van klas 2,
Deze LessonUp kun je thuis doorlopen. 
Ik hoop dat het helpt bij je voorbereiding op de toets van Unit 4. GO FOR IT!

Good luck! Groetjes, CLT

Ps. Jullie weten: iedereen voldoende = traktatie!
1 / 41
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo k, gLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 41 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Hey leuke leerlingen van klas 2,
Deze LessonUp kun je thuis doorlopen. 
Ik hoop dat het helpt bij je voorbereiding op de toets van Unit 4. GO FOR IT!

Good luck! Groetjes, CLT

Ps. Jullie weten: iedereen voldoende = traktatie!

Slide 1 - Slide

Heb je je tot nu toe aan je planning voor Engels gehouden?

Slide 2 - Poll

... with words

Slide 3 - Slide

Fill in the correct words.
Choose from:
cashier - change - check-out - order - pay by card - spend
  1. The ............... is where you pay for your products.
  2. How much money do you ..................... on clothes?
  3. If you .............................. something online, you have to wait for the postman to deliver the package.
  4. Do you have ........................ for a twenty pound note?
  5. The ......................... has to scan the items before you can pay for them
  6. Can I .......................... or do I have to pay cash?

Slide 4 - Slide

  1. The ....check-out........... is where you pay for your products.
  2. How much money do you .......spend.............. on clothes?
  3. If you ........order...................... something online, you have to wait for the postman to deliver the package.
  4. Do you have ........change................ for a twenty pound note?
  5. The .......cashier.............. has to scan the items before you can pay for them
  6. Can I .......pay by card................... or do I have to pay cash?

Slide 5 - Slide

  1. when you can buy an item but at a lower price.
  2. put on clothes to see if they fit.
  3. how large or small something or someone is.
  4. when you can't buy products because there are none left.
  5. piece of paper that shows you have bought and paid for something.
  6. give money back to someone who has already paid for a product.

a. out of stock
b. size
c. try on
d. get a refund
e. receipt
f. on sale
Combineer de juiste omschrijving met het juiste Engelse woord.

Slide 6 - Slide

  1. when you can buy an item but at a lower price.
  2. put on clothes to see if they fit.
  3. how large or small something or someone is.
  4. when you can't buy products because there are none left.
  5. piece of paper that shows you have bought and paid for something.
  6. give money back to someone who has already paid for a product.

1. f on sale 
2. c try on
3. b size
4. a out of stock 
5. e receipt
6. d to get a refund

Slide 7 - Slide

traffic jam
single ticket
get off

Slide 8 - Drag question


Slide 9 - Slide

Plurals I
1 Can you help me to move these ................... please? (box)
2 We went to lots of ....................last year. (party)
3 There are ................... and forks in the top drawer. (knife)
4 In Autumn the ...................fall off the trees. (leaf)
5 I have three ................... in my bedroom. (shelf)
6 My mum asked me to buy some .............. at the shops. (tomato)

Slide 10 - Slide

1 Can you help me to move these .....BOXES.............. please? (box)
2 We went to lots of ....PARTIES................last year. (party)
3 There are ...KNIVES................ and forks in the top drawer. (knife)
4 In Autumn the .....LEAVES..............fall off the trees. (leaf)
5 I have three ....SHELVES............... in my bedroom. (shelf)
6 My mum asked me to buy some .....TOMATOES......... at the shops. (tomato)

Slide 11 - Slide

Plurals II
1 My sister has three...... and a guinea pig. (mouse)
2 The dentist checks my ........... every 6 months. (tooth)
3 The farmer has lots of cows, .............. ,and chickens. (sheep)
4 We live next door to two ...................(man)
5 My sister has four ................(child)
6 My brother goes fishing and always catches lots of ..........
. (fish)

Slide 12 - Slide

Plurals II keys
1 My sister has three...MICE... and a guinea pig. (mouse)
2 The dentist checks my ...TEETH........ every 6 months. (tooth)
3 The farmer has lots of cows, ....SHEEP.... ,and chickens. (sheep)
4 We live next door to two ....MEN...............(man)
5 My sister has four ......CHILDREN..........(child)
6 My brother goes fishing and always catches lots of ..FISH.....
. (fish)

Slide 13 - Slide

Plurals III
1 There are lots of ........... in the park. (deer)
2 I went to the zoo and saw some .............. (wolf)
3 Our neighbour has got three chickens and two ........... in her garden. (goose)
4 There were lots of .......... at the cinema. (person)
5 The ........... were empty last night. (street)
6 Those .............. look like they’re having fun. (woman)

Slide 14 - Slide

Plurals III KEYS
1 There are lots of ...DEER........ in the park. (deer)
2 I went to the zoo and saw some ...WOLVES.......... (wolf)
3 Our neighbour has got three chickens and two ....GEESE....... in her garden. (goose)
4 There were lots of ....PEOPLE...... at the cinema. (person)
5 The ...STREETS........ were empty last night. (street)
6 Those ....WOMEN.......... look like they’re having fun. (woman)

Slide 15 - Slide

B. Future:


Slide 16 - Slide

Put the words..
in the correct order.

Slide 17 - Slide

1. rain later it will today

Slide 18 - Open question

2. bus at 10 o’clock the leaves tonight

Slide 19 - Open question

3. tomorrow into town going we are

Slide 20 - Open question

4. help you tonight will I make dinner

Slide 21 - Open question

5. starts the 5pm at film evening this

Slide 22 - Open question



am/is/are going to

Slide 23 - Slide

1. I'll go/I'm going to the store.
Do you want to come with me?

Slide 24 - Open question

2. Did you snap Tom?
- Oh,no! I'll snap/I'm going to snap him right now.

Slide 25 - Open question

3. Can I have the cheese, please? I'll make/I'm going to make toast.

Slide 26 - Open question

4. Would you like to go to the store?
- No, sorry. I'll do/I'm going to do my homework.

Slide 27 - Open question

5. Where is your little brother?- I don't know. I'll/I'm going to have a look.

Slide 28 - Open question


Slide 29 - Slide

1. Why do you want so many oranges?
- I 'll make/'m going to make an orange juice.

Slide 30 - Open question

2. Oh! I haven't got enough money to pay!- Don't worry. I will lend/am going to lend you some.

Slide 31 - Open question

3. We need one more player.
- Will you play/Are you going to
play with us tomorrow?

Slide 32 - Open question

4. Why are you switching on the TV?
- I will watch/am going to watch a football match.

Slide 33 - Open question

5. What do you want the car keys for?
- I will take/am going to take a ride in your car.

Slide 34 - Open question

6. (B) cancel / (K) afterwards

Slide 35 - Open question

7. (B) vinden/ (K) vergelijken

Slide 36 - Open question

8. (B) brand/ (K) disadvantage

Slide 37 - Open question

9. (B) pros and cons/ (K) eager

Slide 38 - Open question

10. (B) winkeleigenaar/ (K) geld verdienen

Slide 39 - Open question

Wat leren?
Toets Unit 4
Woorden  (blz. 48-49)
Stones 10, 11 en 12 (blz. 50)
7 Meervoud, 8 Future (blz. 51)

Slide 40 - Slide

Slide 41 - Slide