Holes - Lesson 2 / H3

Holes - Lesson 2
1 / 39
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 39 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson

Holes - Lesson 2

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Recap last lesson
What we learned in chapters 1-3
  • Introduction Stanley Yelnats, along with his family's history of bad luck
  • Stanley is wrongly convicted of stealing a pair of sneakers
  • He is sent to Camp Green Lake, which is not actually a lake but a harsh desert camp
  • We briefly looked at reading questions: get curious!

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Did you go to a camp this past vacation? 
To Texas???

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Today's program

- Submit reading questions
- Explanation of characterization
- Explanation of writing a paragraph
- Practice characterization and writing in groups
- Present paragraphs 

Please, tell me if you didn't do homework or bring materials     >>>
Lesson aims

By the end of this lesson
- you can write a reading question
- you can apply characteriazation
- you can write a PEE-paragraph 

Optimaal, ongestoord
Veilig, vriendelijk verantwoordelijk

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Camp Green Lake

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Reading questions
Help learning critical thinking skills
Help making connections and identifying themes

What happened to the lake? Why does the Warden own the shade?

Any questions?? 

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Please submit your 2 reading questions (homework; no talking please)

Slide 7 - Open question

Why did Stanley go home from school late on the day of his arrest?

Slide 8 - Open question

When sunflower seeds spilled in his hole, Stanley repeated a truth about his life: he was ....

Slide 9 - Open question

Who's pig weighed more?
Myra's father's
Igor's and Elya's weighed the same

Slide 10 - Quiz

Characterization: STEAL
Watch video clip: pay attention to
2 ways of describing a character
5 elements of characterization? 


Questions? Please raise hand

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Writing a paragraph

When writing for literature, it is important that you use examples from the text (quotes).
Try to think of them as a hamburger or P.E.E. 

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Writing a paragraph: example

Why was Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake? 
POINT: Stanley was sent to Camp Green Lake because...

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Example Point
Why was Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake? 
POINT: Stanley was sent to Camp Green Lake because he was accused of stealing a famous baseball player's sneakers. The shoes actually fell from the sky, but the police thought Stanley had stolen them. 

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Example evidence
Why was Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake? 
EVIDENCE: When Stanley walked home from school, "he had just barely opened his mouth when the sneakers fell from the sky." (Sachar, Ch. 6)

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Example explanation
Why was Stanley sent to Camp Green Lake? 
EXPLANATION: This shows that ..... 
Since Stanley was in the wrong place at the wrong time, he was unfairly punished. This happened because of his family's bad luck and the curse from his great-great-grandfather.

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Using quotes in a paragraph

When using quotes, try to integrate your examples into your sentence. 

GOOD: Mr. Pendanski said Zero "had nothing in his head" (Sachar, Ch. 5).


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Task: in your group analyse Stanley's character  
and write a PEE-paragraph
Use STEAL and PEE to answer the question:
How does Louis Sachar use characterization to show Stanley's personality and growth in Chapters 1-20? 

You work out one element of characterization by yourself
You write a paragraph together
You will submit at the end of the lesson, or else: homework
** You haven't read till Chapter 20? > you will read and be v-e-r-y quiet! 

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Task: in your group analyse Stanley's character  
and write a PEE-paragraph
In your group analyse the character of Stanley and write a PEE-paragraph for the question:
How does Louis Sachar use characterization to show Stanley's personality and growth in Chapters 1-20? 
  1. Divide the letters of STEAL among group members (L is combined)
  2. List words that describe Stanley (later: formulate your point)
  3. Find a quote or example from the book 
  4. Write your explanation what it shows about Stanley's character.                                              
  5. Share and write together your PEE-paragraph: Point, Evidence, Explanation   
  6. Check: 1 Did you answer the question? 2 Is there evidence from the book? 3 Did you explain what it shows?
  7. Be ready to present /  or submit (later as homework)  - please add your names

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Submit paragraph in Teams

Read chapters 21-35

Write 2 reading questions 
Go and be wonderful somewhere else 

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Get to work

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Chapter 3
After you have read the chapter, complete the quiz questions in the following slides.

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Was Stanley Yelnats made to go to Camp Green Lake?
  • Why did he choose to go?

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What did Stanley Yelnats's family like about the family name? Can you
think of your own palindrome?

Slide 24 - Open question

What does Stanley look like?
well built
normal posture

Slide 25 - Quiz

Why did Stanley's great-great-grandfather have a curse on him?
He had annoyed an outlaw, Kate Barlow
He had been in a stage coach robbery
He had made a fortune in the stock markets
He stole a pig from a one legged gypsy

Slide 26 - Quiz

Does Stanley believe in curses and bad luck?
Yes and no

Slide 27 - Quiz

Who did Stanley's family blame for everything that went wrong?
The one legged gypsy
The great-great-grandfather
The pig
Kissin' Kate Barlow

Slide 28 - Quiz

What is unusual about Stanley's name?
It was actually his mother's surname
It was exactly the same as his grandfathers'
It was the same spelt backwards or forwards
It was really Simon but he preferred to be called Stanley

Slide 29 - Quiz

What did Stanley's father do?
He was a teacher
He was an inventor
He was a song writer
He worked in a store

Slide 30 - Quiz

Even though Stanley's family had bad luck, how did they act?
Envious of others

Slide 31 - Quiz

Stanley's great-great-grandfather was robbed by an outlaw. Who was it?
Jessie James
Kissin' Kate Barlow
The Sundance kid
The book doesn't say

Slide 32 - Quiz

What is your biggest wish for our next 3 lessons on Holes?

Slide 33 - Open question

How an author creates and develops a character in a story
Helps readers understand what the character is like and why they act a certain way. An author:
- shows their personalities and growth 
- makes them feel real and interesting to the reader
- helps tell the story's message or theme (friendship, fairness, perseverance, etc.)

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2 types of characterization
Direct characterization: the author tells the reader what the character is like. 
Example: "Stanley was overweight and bullied at school. He didn't have any friends at home" (Sachar, Ch. 3)

Indirect characterization: the author shows that the character is like through their speech, thoughts, actions, looks, and how others react to them. 
Example: instead of saying Stanley is kind, the book shows him helping Zero learn to read.   

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Holes - 4 lessons
  1. Chapters 1-3 Introduction to Stanley and Camp Green Lake
  2. Chapters 4-20 Characterization     
  3.                 /*  Spring break  */
  4. Chapters 21-35 (30 min)
  5. Chapters 36-50 Working on assignment 
  6. Chapters 46-50 

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Reading questions examples
Who is "you" (reader?) and why is "you" addressed?
Why is this called Camp Green Lake? 
Why is it called Green Lake if there is no lake? Why would the author start the novel with this as first line? 
What happened to the lake? 
Why is chapter 2 so short? What is its function? 
 ..............................................................................................now you go

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Holes - what is expected of you
Review:                                                                 Please, no spoilers!!!
Active participation before class: read chapters and do exercises
Active participation in class: it is less about right / wrong answers; it's about understanding the text, sharing ideas. 
No: does Stanley have a little brother?
Yes: do you believe in bad luck or curses? 

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Asking reading questions
You will learn:
Critical thinking skills
Making connections and identifying patterns
Deeper learning and comprehension as opposed to surfuce understanding  

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