Focus klas H2- unit 1 Family and friends.

Focus klas H2- unit 1.1-1.3 Family and friends.
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 33 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 240 min

Items in this lesson

Focus klas H2- unit 1.1-1.3 Family and friends.

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Introduction: Who am I?

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Magister and the class rules.
  • What information can you find on Magister?
  • What are my rules concerning homework and your behaviour in class.

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What do we need in the English lesson?
  • Your textbook.
  • A notebook.
  • Markers in two colours.
  • Pencil.
  • Pens (red and black or blue).
  • Handout: wordlist (and irregular verbs)

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Back to school!
Today is the 1st English lesson of this schoolyear.
What are we going to do?
Talk about your holidays for about 2 minutes, in English of course!

Think about: Where did you go?, How long did you go?,What  activities did you do? Did you enjoy it? Other holiday activities.....etc.

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About the book
  • How do we work with the book?
  • Handouts: wordlist and irregular verbs.
  • Start on page 1 of the wordlist. (tips).
  • Homework: study the wordlist page 1.

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See you soon!

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Unit 1- family and friends
1.1. vocabulary

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Today's objectives
  • I can talk about hobbies and interests using simple language.
  • have, go and play. 
  • collocations.
  • prepositions.
  • homework: study wordlist 1-> words 1-40 from English to Dutch and Dutch to English+ spelling. 

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Unit 1.2. Grammar: Present Simple.

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Today's objectives
  • I can use the Present Simple with common adverbs of frequency.
  • Examples of adverbs of frequency are: usually, often, always, never etc.

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What tense is meant with the present Simple?
verleden tijd
tegenwoordige tijd
voltooide tijd
toekomende tijd

Slide 12 - Quiz

What does the verb look like in the present Simple?
will work
have worked/has worked
work/ works

Slide 13 - Quiz

Change the sentence into a question in the Present Simple.
My brother does his homework.

Slide 14 - Open question

Make the sentence negative.
I like playing the piano.

Slide 15 - Open question

Put the adverb of frequency in the right place in the sentence.
My brother does his homework. (always)

Slide 16 - Open question

Put the adverb of frequency in the right place in the sentence.
I am late for school. (never)

Slide 17 - Open question

Do you remember the rules?
  • Video/Powerpoint grammar 1.2. present Simple.
  • Go to your textbook page 14. Let's start with the exercises.
  • Study: page 14 grammar focus 1 and 2 + Remember this.
  • Powerpoint on Magister  studyplanner unit 1.

  • Homework: Study wordlist 1-60.

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1.3 Listening

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Today's objectives.
  • I can understand information about people's weekend routines.
  • Check homework wordlist 1 words 1-60.
  • Open your textbook and notebook on page 15.
  • Do exercises 1 - 10 together.
  • Homework: Study wordlist 1- 80.

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1.4 Reading

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Today's objectives
  • I can understand a short description of someone's day. 
  • Open your textbook and notebook on page 16.
  • Do exercise 1 and 2 in pairs for two minutes.
  • Do exercises 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 (and 10). You can work with your classmate.  Please whisper! 
  •         Check the exercises. Ex 6+10 are important for the test.
  • Homework: Study wordlist words 80-100.

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Test your knowledge:
  1. Onze ouders spelen schaak en luisteren naar muziek.
  2. Ik bezoek verschillende plaatsen op het Internet.
  3. Mijn broer gaat soms dansen in het weekend.
  4. Mijn neef/nicht heeft een baan op zaterdag avond.
  5. Hun zus gaat altijd zwemmen op een gewone weekdag.

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Check your answers:
  1. Our parents play chess and listen to music.
  2. I visit different places on the Internet.
  3. My brother sometimes goes dancing at the weekend.
  4. My cousin has a job on Saturday evening.
  5. Their sister always goes swimming on a typical weekday.

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Unit 1.5. Grammar: Present Simple: Yes/No  and Wh-questions.

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Today's objectives
  • I can ask and answer questions in the Present Simple. 
  • Do you remember?
  • Enkele zinnen oefenen in schrift.
  • WH- questions 
  • welke zijn er?

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Do you remember?
Make questions (and give short answers):
 My father likes playing tennis.    ...........? Yes, .........
We love our pets.                                ............?No,..........
I am 13 years old.                                ............? Yes, ....... 
They go to Spain on holiday.           Where...................?
B&B Vol Liefde starts at 8.30 PM.  When....................?
Tom is my best friend.                       Who..........?

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Does your father like playing tennis? Yes, he does.
Do you love your pets? No, we don't.
Are you 13 years old? Yes, I am.
Where do they go on holiday? 
When does B&B Vol liefde start?
Who is your best friend?
WH- questions: what, where, when, why, which, who,HOW

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Let's start working:
  • Do ex 1- 2 together.
  • Do ex 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. alone or with partner. (ex 5, 8)
  • Finished? Do ex 1, 2 on page 127.
  • Check the exercises together.
  • Homework: wordlist 100-120.

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1.6 Speaking

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Today's objectives:
  • I can talk about likes and dislikes.
  • Do exercises 1- 3 together.
  • Do exercise 4 on your own.
  • Watch two roleplays (video)
  • Role-play exercise 5.
  • Some students perform their dialogue.
  • Homework: Start revising the wordlist.

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1.7 Writing

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1.6 Use of English


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