K2.4 Behaviour for age & stage of development

K2.4 Behaviour for age & stage of development
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This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

K2.4 Behaviour for age & stage of development

Slide 1 - Slide

How are you feeling?

Slide 2 - Poll

Intent, Implement, Impact;
Intent: Understand typical behaviours for age and stage of development, to inform practice when developing relationships with children.​

Implement: ​Group research and creative task, evidence the grow and development of behaviour.

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Age, Stage, & Development
Children grow and develop and behaviours change. We need to identify the expected behaviours of young children, to effectively build relationships with them.​

We will look at these age ranges; ​
0-1 years 
1-2 years ​
2-3 years ​
3-5 years ​

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In 4 groups
In 4 groups you will be given an age range and you need to spend 10-15 minutes researching the expected behaviours of a child that age. (Tip – use the EYFS for support amongst other resources) ​
Once research is complete we will display how children grow and change in behaviours. 

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Behaviour Growth and Development Display 

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0-1 Years 
  • Inquisitive and starting to explore their environment
  • Developing bonds and trusting relationships with those around them
  •  Prone to clinginess with primary carers, particularly when tired or unwell

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1-2 Years 
  • Exploring the wider environment, including new objects or people
  •  Beginning to show resistant behaviour, particularly when encouraged to do something that they do not want to do
  • Imitating the behaviour of others around them
  • Can be soothed when unhappy or upset

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2-3 Years 
  • pushing more boundaries to explore their autonomy and independence
  • ability to self-sooth when unhappy or upset
  • beginning to control own feelings and impulses
  • more prone to a range of mood changes as they explore feelings
  • often frustrated when unable to achieve desired goals struggling to self-regulate

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3-5 Years 
  • growing in independence
  • growing in ability to recognise own feelings and emotions
  • better able to regulate/control own feelings and emotions
  • asking questions to learn more about their environment
  • showing affection and forming bonds with individuals outside of the family

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What is an appropriate behavioral expectation for a 1-2 year old?
becoming more self-aware
Ability to self sooth
Clingy with primary care giver when unwell
increased independence from family

Slide 11 - Quiz

What is a reasonable behavioral expectation for a 2-3 year old?
asks questions to learn more about their environment
enjoying forming friendships
developing bonds and trusting relationships
more prone to a range of mood changes as they explore feelings

Slide 12 - Quiz

What is an expected behavior for a 3-5 year old?
develop social networks
pushing boundaries to explore autonomy
more independent from care giver
better able to regulate feelings

Slide 13 - Quiz

What is a typical behavioral expectation for a 5-7 year old?
often frustrated when unable to achieve goals
Showing increasing independence in activities
forming friendships outside the family
inquisitive and starting to explore their environment

Slide 14 - Quiz