Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Matters
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CitizenshipPSHE+2Lower Secondary (Key Stage 3)Upper Secondary (Key Stage 4)BTEC, GCSE

This lesson contains 8 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Mental Health Matters

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Promote the mental wellbeing of your students

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At LessonUp, we believe in supporting educators to use our platform to its fullest potential.
In these slides, we provide you with practical ways to promote your students' mental wellbeing, with the aid of usable examples to help you feel more confident in supporting them.
It is important to note that these are not one-stop solutions to issues that young people may be facing. It is still important to refer them to the proper services and specialists if necessary.
Additional information is provided through the Anna Freud Foundation -
Data & Results
Irritability, or an absence of feeling, pleasure, or motivation are signs of low mood. These are fairly normal emotions. If consistent, they may indicate something more.
Students can feel anxious about participating, especially in a large group setting. In some cases, it can be helpful to encourage students who dislike speaking in class to develop this skill. The spinner can be used to completely randomise participation. As the spinner decides whose turn it is to speak, there can be no arguments about anyone being singled out.
Students facing issues with anxiety will always respond to praise and confirmation that they are "doing the right thing". Use the reports function at the top of your screen to really get to know your students' strengths, and help them overcome their fear of failure by giving direct feedback for improvement.
People with anxiety often do not like being singled out by a teacher, or risk outing an opinion that might not be popular for fear of rejection. By keeping your students' answers anonymous to the class (while still retaining results for your teacher's view) you encourage everyone to speak freely, without anyone being able to point out "who said what".

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Data & Results
Low Mood
Young people build strong bonds with peers, parents, and carers. Sometimes, these relationships can limit their self-development & ability to regulate their behaviour.
Students with attachment challenges may react disproportionally to certain situations, and find it hard to express their feelings to people outside of their bonds. By using very specific statements in your polls, you can help them explore how they are feeling, without having to put it into words.
Students with attachment challenges can really value praise and direct feedback, if positive and with a clear, achievable purpose. Use the "comment" feature on the reports page to include encouraging messages to your pupils. 
Using a mind map as a tool for reflection encourages students to be proud of their achievements, and helps them learn to measure their own accomplishments. This is a valuable way to encourage them to visualise what they have achieved without the support of their social circle. 

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Safe Spaces
Reward Quizzes
Young people build strong bonds with peers, parents, and carers. Sometimes, these relationships can limit their self-development & ability to regulate their behaviour.
Use an anonymous poll to track student engagement throughout your lessons. This is a great way to assess your students' motivation levels throughout a term. 
At LessonUp, we always promote education first. However, there are many benefits in rewarding your students for their dedication, and in maintaining their motivation. Why not have a monthly reward quiz after they have finished their summative assessments?
Student results are safely stored in your student reports. You can choose to share this information with relevant members of the staff, such as the Child Protection team or Pastoral Care. It is also a great way to track pupil mood.

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Clear signalling
Open-ended question
Looked-after children
Looked-after children are children who no longer live with their birth parents for a variety of reasons. They are much more likely to experience a mental health issue.
Looked-after children may struggle with emotional literacy, especially if they haven't had a stable home. Using open-ended questions to allow them to express their thoughts will encourage them to develop their understanding of their own emotions.
Looked-after children are categorised under the same label, even if they had widely different upbringings. Ensure your students feel like individuals by personalising content like homework through differentiation by the student.
All children have the potential to misread body language and non-verbal indicators. Use components like the traffic light, to signal to your class what they should be doing i.e. working in silence/ discussing with peers - means that none of your instructions can be misunderstood

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For any more information, please refer organisations such as YoungMinds, the Anna Freud Foundation or your local SEND support group.

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At LessonUp, we believe in supporting educators to use our platform to its fullest potential.
In these slides, we provide you with practical ways to promote your students' mental wellbeing, with the aid of usable examples to help you feel more confident in supporting them.
It is important to note that these are not one-stop solutions to issues that young people may be facing. It is still important to refer them to the proper services and specialists if necessary.
Additional information is provided through the Anna Freud Foundation -


Enkele Amsterdamse vrouwen zagen dat er een schip vol aardappelen in een van de grachten lag. Ze gingen erop af en plunderden het schip: hun schorten vol aardappelen. De dag erna waren er meer plunderaars. Pas nadat zes mensen door het leger werden doodgeschoten, keerde de rust terug

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