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Easily confused words
Easily confused words
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Slide 1:
Middelbare school
Leerjaar 4
This lesson contains
16 slides
, with
text slides
Lesson duration is:
10 min
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Items in this lesson
Easily confused words
Slide 1 - Slide
Fast vs Quick
Fast = snel: iets wat snel kan gaan
My car is very fast.
Quick = snel: een snelle actie / een korte tijd
I just need to send a quick email.
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Affect vs Effect
Affect = beinvloeden, invloed hebben op
How much you study will affect your grades
Effect = effect, gevolg
Smoking has a bad effect on your lungs
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Learn vs Teach
Learn = leren: je leert iets van een ander
What did you learn today?
Teach = lesgeven: je leert iets aan een ander
What lesson did he teach yesterday?
Slide 4 - Slide
Funny vs Fun
Funny = grappig
He told us a very funny joke.
Fun = leuk
Yesterday's outing was fun.
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Tall vs High vs Long
Tall = lang (bij mensen)
Jackie is very tall.
High = hoog
The ceiling in this room is very high
Long = lang (bij dingen)
This road is very long.
Slide 6 - Slide
house vs home
house = huis
That house over there is my home.
home = thuis
That house over there is my home.
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to lay vs to lie
to lay = leggen, neerleggen
Could you lay that book down on the table, please?
to lie = liggen, gaan liggen, liegen
Could you go lie down, please?
Slide 8 - Slide
To vs Two vs Too
Two = Twee
There are two chickens in the coop.
To = naar / (om) te
Let's go to the cinema. I have to work later today.
Too = ook / te (veel, weinig, etc.)
Do you want to go too? There are too many chickens in this coop.
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Where vs Were vs We're
Where = waar (locatie)
Where are you?
Were = waren (verleden tijd)
Where were you yesterday?
We're = Wij zijn
We're here today.
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Whole vs Hole
Whole = (ge)heel
The whole cake is still here the whole day.
Hole = gat
The cake is in a hole now.
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Of vs Off
Of = van (bezit)
Amsterdam is the capital of the Netherlands.
Off = af / uit
Turn off the power and then jump off the building.
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Than vs Then
Than = dan (vergelijking)
This lesson is easier than the last one.
Then = dan (opvolging) / toen
First study your words and then do the assignment.
...and what happened then?
Slide 13 - Slide
Your vs You're
Your = (van)jouw/jullie
Where is your phone?
You're = jij bent / jullie zijn
You're my best friends.
Slide 14 - Slide
There vs Their vs They're
There = daar
What is that animal there?
Their = hun
Where is their car?
They're = zij zijn
They're on holiday right now.
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Its vs It's
It's = het is / het heeft
It's rained today. It's my favourite type of weather.
Its = van het
See that dog over there? Its tail is very fluffy.
Slide 16 - Slide
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